I got sick during my Test E cycle


New member
Hi guys, I'm currently at the end of week 4 of my Test E 250mg per week cycle.

Since the start of week 4 I've been experiencing horrible headaches,body aches, sore throat with dry coughs and stuffy nose.
I barely manage to get any sleep as the headaches and stuffy nose complicate it and I barely can put any food in my body. To be honest I don't remember feeling like this since I was a kid.
I went to the doctor he told me it's just a cold/flue nothing major and I should be fine within few days. I skipped 3 days of working out, should I take as much time as I need or do light workouts?
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Take the time off bro, you won't do yourself any good working out if your sick as a dog. Having said that, 250mg/week is more of a TRT dose vs. a cycle.
Maybe test flu? I myself as well as numerous acquaintance s experience it time to time. I never come off but im more apt to get flu like symptoms after running new compounds. It doesnt really happen to me anymore but I would say its normal and provavly a result of the test.

Whether you should workout really depends how you feel. If your not too sick then a light wrkout mighr make you feel a little better. Generally you should know whether you well enough to make it in there.
Are you using an aromatase inhibitor? If not, those "gains" were likely water retention due to elevated estradiol.