i have a bunch of qv prop and 5 carts fina help


feeding BH his daily cum
hey i have like 10 bottles of qv prop and 5 carts of fina i wanted toknow if i can use the oil from the test prp and mix it with my finna once i have the pure tren crystals, would i need even more ba and bb in order to suspend the tren . plus what the highes mg i can get per cc with this prop tren mix? and can i do it with say t-400 or deca?:dunno:
I would just make up the tren seperately then combine it with the prop later. No sense in fucking up your prop if you mess up. 5%ba/10-15%BB will get you 100mg/ml w/ no trouble.

You could start out the cycle w/ t400 and deca, then finish it with prop/tren, but I wouldn't combine them all at once.