i hit a wall


New member
i have been on and off the gym scene but have been back now for about a year, goin good in the gym but i have lost about 30 pounds of fat my first 6-7 months but now it seems like i cant lose anymore, i get about 3 days of cardio a week and my diet consist of eating throughout the day and low carb - high protien. any sound advice
Time to take a break and let your hormones reset. Id carb up for a couple days then just eat normally for a couple weeks then get back to it.
IMO change training routine, your body gets used to diets and training.....try some different cardio methods. maybe higher intensity.
a normal day...
morning-4 eggs, oatmeal, and 2 scoops of protien powder

mid morning- low carb protien bar and hopefully a shake

lunch- usually 1/2 baked chicken, some veggies

before workout- shake and maybe some white rice <sometimes no shake before,depending on what time>

after workout- shake and some fast carbs

dinner- some kind of steak,chicken, or fishand maybe some pasta

before bed- a shake

that i usually what my day to day is like , is there any where im messing up?
diet looks pretty solid. what are your current stats and goals. maybe up the cardio to 5 days a week, 45-60min sessions varying intensity. eca helps.
24 age, 6-2 218 18bf%, when started this diet and exercise 250 25%bf, its been right at 10 months and i lost the majority of the weight the first 6 months, know i have only ben losing like a pound a month maybe two if im lucky. I would like my goal to be in the low teens on bf%, i am about to start a low dossage cycle and yes i know i have to step up the cardio game but i fucking hate running , any other good cardio besides running?
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mma, boxing type of shit. I have to do cardio to music (eca is a plus as well) if not it's a no go.

congrats on the fat loss, nice work.