I just want to share this

LMFAO... little pot head too eh... Thats funny... Biologist... and what happend? And what turned you into a meat head?

My little scruff mcbufff :)

Well I barely graduated high school so I didn't make It to college. And I got tired of being a skinny lil shit so I decided to do something about it
Lol I wanted to be a meat head ever since I saw x man when I was young and saw all the guys that looked like they where on a mr. Olympia steroid stack. I just didn't know what the hell to take to look that way. Lol but even when I was a kid I always remember wishing I could turn myself into something crazy with some sort of super scientific chemical. Then when I got older every one was like steroids are bad. And I was the only one who was like well... why are steroids bad? It seemed to me like Sylvester stalone and Arnold did alright taking them. Arnold went to heavy on the oral's though. Lol plus I am half german and from my research it looks like germans invented synthetic testosterone. And im also half Italian and italians love their steroids.
Ugghhh, just had to say you're half eye-talian... *shakes head* fml

Yeah germans got great fucking genetics... pure breed right here! Even made there ;)

For me, well... If you look at the transformation thread I think I posted why... I use to be fat and then, I just put my head down and started working. I've always been on the thicker side and I love it.. But now, my world is the iron and, I don't know what I would do without it!
Lol I wanted to be a meat head ever since I saw x man when I was young and saw all the guys that looked like they where on a mr. Olympia steroid stack. I just didn't know what the hell to take to look that way. Lol but even when I was a kid I always remember wishing I could turn myself into something crazy with some sort of super scientific chemical. Then when I got older every one was like steroids are bad. And I was the only one who was like well... why are steroids bad? It seemed to me like Sylvester stalone and Arnold did alright taking them. Arnold went to heavy on the oral's though. Lol plus I am half german and from my research it looks like germans invented synthetic testosterone. And im also half Italian and italians love their PASTA.

;) haha
I'm on my first cycle..and I'm in heaven..can one of you please tell me how you bring yourself to take a break from it........anyone?
Ha, pretty funny vino cuz I smoked a lot of weed and im actually a biologist!! I actually graduated with honors and smoked weed everyday during college
Ha, pretty funny vino cuz I smoked a lot of weed and im actually a biologist!! I actually graduated with honors and smoked weed everyday during college

Awww man that's bad ass. Biology was the only subject I liked and excelled at. Props to u man
Most little boys grow up watching action movies like conan the barb.. when I first seen conan couldn't get over how huge arnie was. From that day on I became yam the barb