I Need a critique of my Tren cycle


New member
This is my 3rd cycle and I would like a critique.

2 x 150mg Tren Hex per week
2 x 200mg Test Cyp per week
2 x 500mg hcg per week

I do not do anything else because I do not have a problem with sides and will continue my TRT program when I am finished, 100mg Test Cyp/ week.

Does this seem like an adequate amount of Tren? Thank you for your comments
I'd personally drop the Test to 200mg per week or just leave it at your TRT dose and add in the tren, also split the Tren Hex into EOD injections at the least.

Tren is strong, 300mg per week is going to yeild decent gains if you know how to eat and train.
Tren hex is otherwise known as Parabolan

Well i meant esters, only asking cuz i dont want you to get a bad taste for tren if it has several esters. I consider tren ace king less sides than its long ester version. Whatever is in it like staunched said eod is better and ed is even better. Less fluctuations the better you will feel. Low test also makes it easier to tolerate less estro in the body the better the results imo
Low Test drastically reduces sides in a lot of other compounds for some guys, me especially, I run low Test with high Nandrolone and am side free. Low Test/High Tren for me means less sides, high Test itself gives me sides so.
This is my 3rd cycle and I would like a critique.

2 x 150mg Tren Hex per week
2 x 200mg Test Cyp per week
2 x 500mg hcg per week

I do not do anything else because I do not have a problem with sides and will continue my TRT program when I am finished, 100mg Test Cyp/ week.

Does this seem like an adequate amount of Tren? Thank you for your comments

The Tren Hex (Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate) is also known as Tri-Trenbolone - PSL carries it on their site.

The cycle looks good as far as ratios... what I've found with tren, is that you can run variations with testosterone, as long as... when one goes up
the other goes down.

I've ran Test-e 700-800 Tren-e 400... Test-e 300-400 Tren-e 800... if you were to run both tren and test very high, you'll most likely get high
side effects.

Right now I'm running Test-e 700 Tren-e 300.

Even though your test and tren are close in dose, you'll be fine because they are both at a moderate level... hCG looks good too.

What about an AI? - I've never had gyno, but still take Aromasin to keep estrogen in check...

Even if you don't get gyno, high levels of estrogen will cause body fat accumulation... if it's "too low" it can lead to lethargy because estrogen
does play a roll in the activity of serotonin - (dam'd if you do - dam'd if you don't) - it's just finding the right balance.
The Tren Hex (Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate) is also known as Tri-Trenbolone - PSL carries it on their site.

The cycle looks good as far as ratios... what I've found with tren, is that you can run variations with testosterone, as long as... when one goes up
the other goes down.

I've ran Test-e 700-800 Tren-e 400... Test-e 300-400 Tren-e 800... if you were to run both tren and test very high, you'll most likely get high
side effects.

Right now I'm running Test-e 700 Tren-e 300.

Even though your test and tren are close in dose, you'll be fine because they are both at a moderate level... hCG looks good too.

What about an AI? - I've never had gyno, but still take Aromasin to keep estrogen in check...

Even if you don't get gyno, high levels of estrogen will cause body fat accumulation... if it's "too low" it can lead to lethargy because estrogen
does play a roll in the activity of serotonin - (dam'd if you do - dam'd if you don't) - it's just finding the right balance.

How's the current 700test, and 300 tren treating you? I'm in the early stages of a similar cycle. 600 test/350tren
staunched427, please explain why you would do these things?

2x a week is fine with hex. its not a short ester like ace or prop.

some believe less sides with low test high tren, I feel its less gains and suboptimal... I would just rec an AI and keep it how you have it.