I need a little help with PCT


Mi manchi papà.
guys, i know i am going to get bashed for this, but i have to ask. i have done several cycles, and never have done a post cycle therapy (pct). i have also lost a lot of what i have gained and probably caused a lot of other probles that i wont know about till i get blood tests. i have a bottle of pct (forgot the brand) at home, ready to go after this cycle. can anyone give me some advice on what else to take...to get my balls back, to get my energy and so on and so forth. your guys know what i need, and i obviously dont. please help me, and try to to bash me too hard, at least i admit i am a dumbass...
age: 24 5'5" 172lbs.
Ongoin cycle of 325mg test e. every 3 days. 750mg week.
hgh - 4iu two days then one off.

thanks for the reply, my cycly will end in 5 more weeks.
the post cycle therapy (pct) that i have at home, i wish i could remember the brand. just got pulled from the shelves because the ingredients in it are the same as nolovadex....i was hopeing that this would be good but i want to get back right. my test levels took a very long time to get back to normal after my last cycle that was a few years ago.