I need abdominal help


New member
I've been crushin my abs lately, ab wheel, crunches, side crunches. Almost an hour a night every other night. I need help getting rid of the love handle area and the area around my belly button. It has always been my trouble spot. I have only like 5-6% body fat over all, but those 3 spots are hard to completely get rid of.

Is there anything I can take supplement wise, or any certain workout i can do to focus on those little spots?
I attached a picture. It isnt really noticable, but my abs would start poppin more if I could burn this little bit of extra fat
you're hitting abs too often. thermogenics like an eca would help but I wouldn't rely on them too much, it comes down to diet, cardio, and consistency.
It is obvious from your photo that you're doing the clean diet and cardio so just ignore those who can't see "the nose on their face".

Check out the Thread titled Helios... All You Need To Know . It works great for guys like you who have low body fat levels, but still have small amounts of stubborn fatty areas.

Also Yohimburn ES is a great product for removing stubborn fat on the love handles, over the navel area, ect.