I need diet help


New member
Hey there

I'm needing to make some big changes in my diet.
Presently I'm about 5'7" and 245lbs.
I work full time during the day but have time to snack.
I've tried cutting out carbs but then I found I was very tired during the day. I was wondering if some one could give me some advice as to how much protein and carbs I should take in during the day.
Also, are there any good carbs I can have during the day to keep me going?

Please help.

tsopranotbay said:
Hey there

I'm needing to make some big changes in my diet.
Presently I'm about 5'7" and 245lbs.
I work full time during the day but have time to snack.
I've tried cutting out carbs but then I found I was very tired during the day. I was wondering if some one could give me some advice as to how much protein and carbs I should take in during the day.
Also, are there any good carbs I can have during the day to keep me going?

Please help.


Well, you should try to aim for about 245g of protein for the day and divide it amongst your six meals. So, you'll be taking in roughly 40 grams of protein at each of your meals. I would suggest to get some whey protein and use that in between your meals. Check out www.directconnectnutrition.com for your whey.
Get your complex carbs from sources such as oats, potatoes, and rice.
I would also suggest adding in some efa's to your diet. You will find if you go lower carbs, you will need to take in extra good fats. This will help your energy level big time.
What sort of diet are you eating now? Can you write down a typical eating day for you?
Also, are you doing weight training?
Don't forget to eat your veggies either! You want to take at least a couple of servings of greens in a day.:)
Diet Help

Hey Fyre

Thanks for the help. I'm not weight training right now.
I was thinking I should do some cardio to start.
As for my eating habits, they are all over the map.
I'm just trying to get more disciplined. No more junk.
What are efa's? Should I eat greens such as brocolli?
Also, should I have things such as apples during the day?
Should I cut out my coffee every morning?
Are there supplements or vitamins I should also take.
I have bought whey protein. it says each scoop is 20g of protein.
How much cardio should I do? 20mins a day, 5 days a week?

Please let me know if I should tell you anything else?

Any thoughts on coffee?

Hey there

What are peoples thoughts on coffee?
black with no cream and first thing in the morning?

Also, is oatmeal the best thing to eat for breakfast?
Is cream of wheat the same thing?

Still looking for some help from the people that know