I need help quik on my diet


New member
I'm 5'8 160 right now with low body fat. and I just started a cycle of fina at 80mg eod. this is my 2nd fina cycle. What are some good tips for my diet if I want to get to at least 170 with low body fat. How should i keep my cals,carbs,fats. I kow protien is 2g per lb of body weight. I would appreciate any help .
I'd eat around 3000-3500 calories per day.

As to carb and fat ratios, you should know that. You're the one starting a cycle.

One tip is to eat most of your carbs in 2-4 hours post-workout.

Another tip is not to start a cycle before you even know how to eat.
well i normaly eat everything in site, but to do my cycle I figured that I would try to make a specific diet geared to what I want to do with my body
I think the importance of "really" eating when on cycle is underated, u really need to eat to grow & that's probably the hardest thing to get right... has any one been successful doing carb cycling while bulking ?