I need help with my accutane cycle


New member
Hi guys !

I need some help with what to do with my accutane cycle. My derm prescribed me 80mg daily for 5 months in January.

I'm coming of a ten week cycle of prop and Winstrol (winny) now and I'm currently in second week of clomid post cycle therapy (pct).

The orginal plan was to start accutane after I finished post cycle therapy (pct). But in the fifth week of my prop/winny cycle the acne really bothered me and after hearing from others that I would do fine even if I was on Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) I decided to start accu. So in week 5 of the Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) cycle i started with 80mg accutane ed, I've now been on accu for 7 weeks.

The thing is that by now my acne hasn't gotten any better. Not worse, not better. (except in like week 3 where I had very few zits, but it came back in like a week) It's about just the same as when I started 7 weeks ago. I can notice the side effects pretty well though, dry skin around the moth, in the nose and arms. Also lips very choppy. My skin is not oily as before but the bleems comes anyway.

What should I do???, should I ask my derm to up the dose ? longer the cycle ?

I seriously need some advices, hope someone can help!

205 lbs - 9%bf
5 10" - 20 years old
moderate acne primaly on back, shoulders and forehead
On my own cycle I about held my ground @ 60mg of accutane a day, so I had to run more than that for even minor improvement.

I ultimately had to quit the cycle because the sides from accutane were kicking my ass, I will clear up, cut a little, and then worry about going back on.

I am months outside of the dry skin stages and I am very clear now, 20mg ED. I figure another 4 weeks and it will almost all be gone, my lower back is tough because its always up against a chair somewhere and I sweat a fair deal with the heat/gym these days.
My friend was on it also. For a while there were no improvments, then it got slightly better but came back like it was before. And then in another 2 months it completely went away and he has no acne no. Very impressive considering he broke out pretty badly. Stick with it.
Yep it may take time, I saw results after a week as far as change but I still have acne months later it takes time. The worst thing you could do is go off of it, the rebound is nasty.