I need knowledge. Test/tren and HCG


New member

I have run two cycles in the past, I did one of just Apex all test and one of Apex All test with winstrol and both had clomid pct's.

I am going to run a Test and Tren cycle.

I am not going to run this cycle until I have everything organized, I am no idiot...
Everywhere I go I find different answers from different people, contradicting dosages and uses and shot frequency.

this was the tentative plan.

Week 1-10 2x 300mg test per week and 2x 500iu of HCG

Week 3-8 E.O.D 50mg tren

Week 9-11 2x 750iu of HCG

Week 12-16 Clomid 100/100/75/50 and Aromasin 25/25/12.5/12.5 and 3g of Vitamen C daily to combat cortisol.

I have heard add prami and caber and run nolva and I have heard the opposite.

Please any knowledge is greatly appreciated.
You do not need that much hcg. all you need is 500iu a week of hcg. Def get some caber or prami. I would go with caber if i was you bc some people get bad sides with prami. And if you get caber get it in the pill form not the liquid. Your tren dose looks good. You can alway up your tren a lil bit if your handling it pretty well. And for your post cycle therapy (pct) you need Clomid and Nolv
Clomid 50/50/50/50 Nolva 40/40/20/20 idk why you have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) in your post cycle therapy (pct). A Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is for during your cycle to help prevent sides. So take that out of your post cycle therapy (pct). You havnt done to much research. I pretty much just did all your research for you. Good luck with your cycle. If you have any questions feel free to pm. ohh and also if i was you i would start off first at 300mgs of test a week with your tren bc some say high test with tren will cause more sides. and if your not having any bad sides by week 2 up to 400mgs. and then if you still feel no sides try 500mgs. But then if you start getting bad sides lower it back down. You gotta play with the doses to see what works best for you. higher test than tren is for more of a bulk and higher tren than test is more for cutting.
Look, why don't you read thru some of the threads u posted. All the shit your asking and the stuff u still don't know for some reason is all there.. I just checked.. go look...
Look, why don't you read thru some of the threads u posted. All the shit your asking and the stuff u still don't know for some reason is all there.. I just checked.. go look...

I feel like everytime I ask I get different answers... and I really screwed up that one post bc I didnt read the rules first... I have done hours of reading.
You do not need that much hcg. all you need is 500iu a week of hcg. Def get some caber or prami. I would go with caber if i was you bc some people get bad sides with prami. And if you get caber get it in the pill form not the liquid. Your tren dose looks good. You can alway up your tren a lil bit if your handling it pretty well. And for your post cycle therapy (pct) you need Clomid and Nolv
Clomid 50/50/50/50 Nolva 40/40/20/20 idk why you have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) in your post cycle therapy (pct). A Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is for during your cycle to help prevent sides. So take that out of your post cycle therapy (pct). You havnt done to much research. I pretty much just did all your research for you. Good luck with your cycle. If you have any questions feel free to pm. ohh and also if i was you i would start off first at 300mgs of test a week with your tren bc some say high test with tren will cause more sides. and if your not having any bad sides by week 2 up to 400mgs. and then if you still feel no sides try 500mgs. But then if you start getting bad sides lower it back down. You gotta play with the doses to see what works best for you. higher test than tren is for more of a bulk and higher tren than test is more for cutting.

I read the aromasin in the post cycle therapy (pct) on Ironville.

I am not starting this until september, I need to keep reading... I guess I just find it difficult to tell whos full of shit and who isnt...

and the man who wrote the post cycle therapy (pct) stink DET-OAK said take 1000ius during and 1500iu blast...
Read for weeks, months, years... It's all there. Naturally, if your going to keep posting the same thing, people are going to mess with u..
Read for weeks, months, years... It's all there. Naturally, if your going to keep posting the same thing, people are going to mess with u..

I have read anywhere from 250iu twice a week too a 1000iu twice a week, and I have also read the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is unecessary...

here it says 1000
Standard PCT's

here Docj doesnt have Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in the cycle for tren test at all...
Massive Newbie Info

""""""wk 1-14 Testosterone propionate 70mg ed (or 150mg eod)
wk 1-13 Trenbolone Acetate 50mg ed (or 100mg eod)
wk 1-16 Nolvadex
wk 14-16 clomid (started 3 days after last shot of prop)""""""