I need some help when im planning my first cycle

Oh yes , sorry i thought it didnt mean any harm because its legal to get it from pharmacy here xD... thx i fixed it.


i should not feel anything since im 4 days in (2nd pin x 250mg was today morning) but for some reason i REALLY feel changes in power + energy
my sex drive went up these days and i feel different . i keep telling myself its placebo but numbers dont lie plus i went to cut some wood today and i felt unstopable , was cutting them like a machine lol .... and two guys at my gym asked me if i start taking anything , i told them muscletech creatine new formula xD

i feel like im pumped more at my workout , but i dont know , it must not be because of test e , i think aromasin + hcg have raise my natural testo as supposed to do(one of them effects) and now im feeling the effects , i cant wait for test e to kick in , i hope next 2-3 weeks il get it

my test is pharma grade , dunno if it counts any

Not the test yet bro, its too early. hCG and aroma won't be doing anything that good for you really either. It's all placebo ;)

The mind is a powerful tool man. Ever noticed when you have a spotter at the gym, and your about to fail on a rep and the spotter goes to help you but you end up pushing it out on your own anyway? That's all in your mind - you can achieve more than what you think you can. The placebo effect of thinking your spotter is helping you is what gets the extra rep out. Sounds like the same things going on here. Just wait until the test actually kicks in, then you WILL be unstoppable! :)
your right man ! crazy thing is even if i keep saying this to myself and i do believe it is just placebo,i still feel the effects!
i cant imagine when test kicks in ,id love to see it hah ;D
tonight im doing a little experiment
il try add 500gr yogurt 2% +cinnamon powder (i like cinamon xD) before sleep and hope i wont wake up bloated tommorow morning :evil:
its about 40 protein/19 carbs /10 fat 330cals and im thinking to add some almonds to add up like 10 fat (i love them taste too lol)
tbh i used this one on every diet i did with success ,400-500gr yogurt before sleep, like 7th meal, no bloat or whatever since i avoid milk etc for my stomach , yogurt its not that case
im starting add up to my diet since im expecting test e to kick next 2-3 weeks because i was finishing cut before jump in .
I just want to see if yogurt is a NO-NO combination on cycle , i search but people say different things
il try and see lol :P
rest of my diet is pretty much same as always , clean and nice because i like it. lean protein like chicken, ground beef , eggs , fish etc/oats-potatos-brown rice/good fats seeds , oils etc

Doing 240p/220c/65f around 2450 cals atm (used it before on natty bulking when i was smaller and it worked) . I was down to 2000 on cut and im starting add up as usualy to see how it goes like 300-400 cals/week monitoring to see how it goes . Dont forget its my first time on cycle so i take "baby steps" til i know how it works diet wise.

should i keep it low like that on first 3-4 weeks till im sure test e kicked ? currently as always i keep my focus on my scale & mirror :afro:
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tonight im doing a little experiment
il try add 500gr yogurt 2% +cinnamon powder (i like cinamon xD) before sleep and hope i wont wake up bloated tommorow morning :evil:
its about 40 protein/19 carbs /10 fat 330cals and im thinking to add some almonds to add up like 10 fat (i love them taste too lol)
tbh i used this one on every diet i did with success ,400-500gr yogurt before sleep, like 7th meal, no bloat or whatever since i avoid milk etc for my stomach , yogurt its not that case
im starting add up to my diet since im expecting test e to kick next 2-3 weeks because i was finishing cut before jump in .
I just want to see if yogurt is a NO-NO combination on cycle , i search but people say different things
il try and see lol :P
rest of my diet is pretty much same as always , clean and nice because i like it. lean protein like chicken, ground beef , eggs , fish etc/oats-potatos-brown rice/good fats seeds , oils etc

Doing 240p/220c/65f around 2450 cals atm (used it before on natty bulking when i was smaller and it worked) . I was down to 2000 on cut and im starting add up as usualy to see how it goes like 300-400 cals/week monitoring to see how it goes . Dont forget its my first time on cycle so i take "baby steps" til i know how it works diet wise.

should i keep it low like that on first 3-4 weeks till im sure test e kicked ? currently as always i keep my focus on my scale & mirror :afro:

Go by the mirror & tape measure if you have one... if your not getting too fat, up the cals by 10% and eat at that for another week. Get your increase mainly from carbs, you won't need much more protein than that on a builk. You can probably up cals by 10% every week or fortnight once the test 'kicks in.' Just keep upping them as long as your not gaining too much fat.

Side note: yoghurt is great, especially Natural greek yoghurt. Contains casein protein, very good for inhibiting proteolysis.
thats what im doing right now , i up the protein enough to ensure i claim all benefits of extra protein synthesis, keeping my carbs in check to avoid bload and use only complex carbs to keep my sugar intake in check :frogjump:
i was just wondering about yogurt because its perfect for before sleep protein since its casein prot but i had in mind that most people say it causes bloat on cycle
well i think it might make u bloat in the day but if u have it at night u could sleep without bloat as i did today , in fact every morning i sleep with 0 bloating and thats what i like ;)
thx mate :D
btw tonight i had some fucked up dreams lol and i had a nightsweat too but nothing bad, nothing i didnt expect to be happen, i feel good, woke up full of energy, murdered my turbo homemade breakfast 45p/90c/27f (783 cals). its one apple/ 80gr oats/20gr seeds/4 egg white/2 whole egg/a little of cinnamon powder, orange skin , vanila powder(no sugar/flour etc) for aroma and taste . Most people will say i should cut some calls from this and add them on another meal but tbh i like my breakfast to be strong and put there a lot of my cals because i workout 3-4 hours later and the rest of the day im doing nothing heavy , so i keep most of my carbs especialy fruits(apple+banana) on breakfast(preworkout)+ postwo
when test kicks and i raise my cals more il add to the rest meals. I eat 6 times a day , its perfect for me atm but it takes improvements to be perfect and im working to that ;)

a pic of my breakfast , THIS and some alternatives can help people stop craving for cakes/sweets etc , at least it works for me and some friends too , they used it and loved it.
because normaly i avoid them and eat them only in special cases but now im not going to touch any , my cycle is more important to be done at best ;)

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waiting time to pass to go to the gym lol :P

i hope its ok to continue post here , in case its not cool and i need to open a new thread let me know please , thx ;)
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im having hard times the past 3 days because i have flu so its a bit hard to keep my energy levels up
but thats not a problem for me , i took some vitamins, comtrex cold and a double espresso and i keep going lol
currently at 2500cals plus vegies (200-300 from vegies since i eat a lot , i like them) so about 2800

a new quick pic just for my bf state atm , seems like 500gr yogurt 2% before sleep doesnt make me bloat or anything so il keep it that way even if most recomend avoid

so after 1 week il up cals +500 and next week-s about 300-400 to find the best spot for me
im not having bloat or anything and i think the half aromasin since day 1 ED keeps me in good levels

currently 74kg but i look bigger and people telling me that too but im planning to up my cals so il see how im doing . My cardio is 15min HIIT eod

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tommorow its my 4th shoot of 250mg , im currently on week 2 and i hope il get full potential of test e in a week or two because ive read for people waiting till week 5 or even 6 to kick in full , we will see :P
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guys this is insane ... im @ middle 4th week and i think it starts kick in , im not sure its fully kicked but i feel like an animal , while i eat, train and all day , i feel my anger goes off the roof but im able to control it nice because i had explosive anger all my life so i had to work it out to live with it, now that helped me become more mature. Well im avoiding annoying people too .. hah..

anyway this is not a log but maybe il give some updates in a week or two

until now ai works good , no sides other than anger but like i said i can control it and use it on my training so its not an issue

il extend this cycle to 12 weeks to be sure il get the most out of it, got plenty of gear and more ai/pct meds that i would need on this cycle(just to be sure i wont run out lol) so its not like il spend more money or whatever ;)
question for you

i have been reading a few posts from here and seems like you know what your talking about!lol I am on my first cycle been on it for about 4 weeks now, gains not so much but kill it in the gym every day or close to. I am pretty sure gains will come soon, right? I am taking sustenon every 3 days injecting and dbol 2 times a day, and i would say every 7 days i take 1 blocker. main concern is i don't want bitch tits and I am going to notice gains soon right?i hope lol thanks a lot !
i have been reading a few posts from here and seems like you know what your talking about!lol I am on my first cycle been on it for about 4 weeks now, gains not so much but kill it in the gym every day or close to. I am pretty sure gains will come soon, right? I am taking sustenon every 3 days injecting and dbol 2 times a day, and i would say every 7 days i take 1 blocker. main concern is i don't want bitch tits and I am going to notice gains soon right?i hope lol thanks a lot !

Start your own thread, it's bad ettiquite to hijack someone elses thread. Lay out your stats, cycle and diet for us and we can evaluate it for you. Include everything you are taking.
i have been reading a few posts from here and seems like you know what your talking about!lol I am on my first cycle been on it for about 4 weeks now, gains not so much but kill it in the gym every day or close to. I am pretty sure gains will come soon, right? I am taking sustenon every 3 days injecting and dbol 2 times a day, and i would say every 7 days i take 1 blocker. main concern is i don't want bitch tits and I am going to notice gains soon right?i hope lol thanks a lot !

i know only a little for now. My knowledge is only on what im doing and i cant advice others yet , maybe in some years , but for now i dont take that responsibility plus my english needs some work too :D
but all i can say is what i realise, (i knew it but u have to experience some things) its HUGE about diet. by blocker i guess u mean AI like adex/aromasin ? its not gona hidder ur gains , its just for keeping estro under control and it can help u with bloating but u should find the proper dose and only with bloods or trial n error u can find out , none can help u really with that by telling u how much u "should" been taking.
You got the right idea and a decent base it looks like. I recommend a 3-4 day split so you can rest longer and really destroy the weights. Your central nervous system needs time to recuperate as well. I'm glad you're talking about prevention. That's the kind of mindset you need in this game to not end up fucked like some people. My only recommendations are to stay on top of your blood work and add some more rest days to your training.