I started a tren e cycle without having all my gear. Will i be ok?


New member
I started a tren e cycle without having all my gear. I was supposed to have test e by now but just found out it will be another week or two. My question is will i be ok tell my test gets to me or is this mesup going to foul up my cycle?
Doesn't sound like I'm in big trouble thats a good thing. I don't know the lango yet what is an AI? This is what I have for post cycle therapy (pct). Clomid arimidex and I also have some cabergoline as well. My cycle was going to be like this. Tren e 1-10 400 mg , eq 1-16 600 mg, test e 1-16 150 mg, and masteron 8-16 350 mg. I was also wondering if at any point should I stop cycle and start post cycle therapy (pct). Any point being if my test never shows up. Im 99.9% positive that it will but you never know. Thanx for the feed back. Almost forgot to include that im running every thing as I pland to just without test. Also running .5 mg of arimidex eod. Im in my 2nd day of week 2.
Doesn't sound like I'm in big trouble thats a good thing. I don't know the lango yet what is an AI? This is what I have for post cycle therapy (pct). Clomid arimidex and I also have some cabergoline as well. My cycle was going to be like this. Tren e 1-10 400 mg , eq 1-16 600 mg, test e 1-16 150 mg, and masteron 8-16 350 mg. I was also wondering if at any point should I stop cycle and start post cycle therapy (pct). Any point being if my test never shows up. Im 99.9% positive that it will but you never know. Thanx for the feed back. Almost forgot to include that im running every thing as I pland to just without test. Also running .5 mg of arimidex eod. Im in my 2nd day of week 2.
Arimidex is your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (aromatase inhibitor) and caber is your dopamine agonist. I really hope you get your test as you're crushing your natural levels right now. Oh, and just in case I read this wrong - you don't want to take the caber during PCT, that's to help with the tren as it can give you lactating gyno.

Geez, you pose a really hard question to answer for me as I honestly have never ran a cycle like that without test, so I have no idea how you'll feel while on. I'm sure you'll have boner problems, and the gains won't be as good, but I also hate "wasting" stuff. I'm going to leave this at it being up to you if you want to run PCT or not based on how you feel if your test never shows up. ;) If you feel like utter crap, abort! If you feel fine, I'd keep looking for test and keep it going at the same time.

My .02c :)
:nono: bad news bears, halfwit laid it down for you. Take this as a lesson learned to never start without everything in hand first.
the controls are more important than the AAS, you need to keep it safe and maximise your experience else your risk to reward ratio gets screwed bother, you risk danger to health . mental and physical
I did a serch for my test and according to tracking it arived last night at 8:30. So I should have it in hand by Tuesday. I dont know how these threads work but im going to needs some more advice in the weeks to come. This is my first tren cycle and my biggest cycle so far. Can I just keep this tread going and post my questions as i go or do I need to start new treads? Im new to AAS and forums as well. I thank you all for your input and your lectures I lerd my lesson. It scared the hell out of me when my test didnt show up when I expected it to. Also when should I start running caber and at what dose?