I was going to screw myself over when... + A few questions


New member
Hello guys, this is my first post here. A little info about me:
My total training experience is 1y8months. During this time i've been training for numerous goals like strength, muscle mass (volume), weight loss, and sometimes more of these at once. My age is 19 years old, weight is 175lbs (about 80kg. There was a time 5yrs ago when i was 275lb,extremely fat) and height is 175cm. I am what many people would call a meso-endo (I don't believe in it that much but some do). I gain muscle volume and strength very quick, but same goes for fat. At the moment my diet gives the best results I've ever had (180g prot, 250 carbs, 80 fat, 6 meals a day, all from clean sources and cooked by myself. I discovered that more protein than that doesn't do shit for me). I've also discovered that low volume/high frequency/mid intensity gives me the best results (strength and volume). I go to bed at 8:30-9:00PM and wake up naturally at about 6:00-7:00AM. Water intake is 5liters/day.

First of all I would like to thank you all for warning other people about oral only cycles. I was about to screw myself over by doing 4 weeks of Dbol only (30/30/40/40, all taken in the morning at about 9AM, trying not to suppress HPTA) with PCT consisting of 40/20/20 Nolva AND 100/50/50 Clomid with 20mg Nolva ED during the cycle starting at the lowest sign of gyno. The last week I've been reading more than 30 (not kidding) threads on diffrent boards, especially this about people screwing up their HPTA (which is my biggest fear when it comes to AAS) and no more than 2 success stories with dbol only.
The reason I wanted to do this was mainly because of curiosity and I was thinking that dbol only would be better than test only because it was 4 weeks vs 10-12 and that it would be easier to recover from and because of the price obviously. Bullshit.

So fast forward I've decided to abort this and continue doing what I'm doing now for at least 3-4 more years because I'm getting good results anyway. I will probably cycle in my twenties, and do it with test as base (it's not that hard to get quality gear here where i live. luck).

Now the questions:

I still have the Dbol, Nolva and Clomid now but I'm not going to throw them away because there is a time and place for these in the future. Will these still be good in lets say 4 years? I think you call it "shelf-life". How about Test E/C/P/Sust? Is it still GTG after staying in my closet for years?

Thank you.
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They will be fine. Like most medications, they should be stored in a cool dry dark place. UV rays are probably the worst thing for them.
I almost made a similar error by doing an anavar only cycle, with pills in hand, the threads saved my boys! Good job bro!
You are wise kid. You speak with a lot more intelligence then some of the retards that have been surfacing around here lately. You are still young. Train, enjoy your optimum sex life now while it is at peak. (No reason to go fucking that up at your age) You have all the time in the world to do a cycle down the road. I didn't do my first one till I was in my early 30's.

and don't think that you have to leave here. Stick around and post up, and read on everything, so that when the day comes, you will know everything that you need.
You are honestly a breath of fresh air to read your post.

Good luck.
Great choice. In my teens/twenties I was against steroid use. Mainly since I didn't understand why it was needed.... And my brother was an abuser of them. Once I hit 30, I noticed a huge difference in test levels. Everyone is different but test wasn't needed throughout my teens/twenties since I felt like I do when I'm on cycle. My test number is average when I'm off for my age but it's nice to feel 20 again.
Hello guys, this is my first post here. A little info about me:
My total training experience is 1y8months. During this time i've been training for numerous goals like strength, muscle mass (volume), weight loss, and sometimes more of these at once. My age is 19 years old, weight is 175lbs (about 80kg. There was a time 5yrs ago when i was 275lb,extremely fat) and height is 175cm. I am what many people would call a meso-endo (I don't believe in it that much but some do). I gain muscle volume and strength very quick, but same goes for fat. At the moment my diet gives the best results I've ever had (180g prot, 250 carbs, 80 fat, 6 meals a day, all from clean sources and cooked by myself. I discovered that more protein than that doesn't do shit for me). I've also discovered that low volume/high frequency/mid intensity gives me the best results (strength and volume). I go to bed at 8:30-9:00PM and wake up naturally at about 6:00-7:00AM. Water intake is 5liters/day.

First of all I would like to thank you all for warning other people about oral only cycles. I was about to screw myself over by doing 4 weeks of Dbol only (30/30/40/40, all taken in the morning at about 9AM, trying not to suppress HPTA) with post cycle therapy (pct) consisting of 40/20/20 Nolva AND 100/50/50 Clomid with 20mg Nolva ED during the cycle starting at the lowest sign of gyno. The last week I've been reading more than 30 (not kidding) threads on diffrent boards, especially this about people screwing up their HPTA (which is my biggest fear when it comes to AAS) and no more than 2 success stories with dbol only.
The reason I wanted to do this was mainly because of curiosity and I was thinking that dbol only would be better than test only because it was 4 weeks vs 10-12 and that it would be easier to recover from and because of the price obviously. Bullshit.

So fast forward I've decided to abort this and continue doing what I'm doing now for at least 3-4 more years because I'm getting good results anyway. I will probably cycle in my twenties, and do it with test as base (it's not that hard to get quality gear here where i live. luck).

Now the questions:

I still have the Dbol, Nolva and Clomid now but I'm not going to throw them away because there is a time and place for these in the future. Will these still be good in lets say 4 years? I think you call it "shelf-life". How about Test E/C/P/Sust? Is it still GTG after staying in my closet for years?

Thank you.
Good way of thinking, keep on going like this. you will end up in a nice location
That's alot of responses haha

and don't think that you have to leave here. Stick around and post up, and read on everything, so that when the day comes, you will know everything that you need.

Of course I'm not leaving man, I've been reading threads here for alot of time but only made this account when felt that I will need to post :)

Read it

Good read man
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