If only everyone would take the time to come to "ology" and learn!

It's very popular in Brazil.
Not sure why anyone would think that's aesthetic at all.
Just looks like bags of oil in his arms.
After seeing all those vids I have a question , does synthol affects the brain ?
All those guys seem retarded :)
Funny ass holes like to show off
Ohhh no, not the "synthol man" again! I can't help but watch the videos as they are like a slow-moving train wreck set to funky Brazilian techno. The women there are getting into it too - but for their asses. Crazy world we live in. :spin:
There is this really tall dude at my gym that has the biggest chest and traps I have ever seen. I never see him lift much and the rest of his upper body isn't bad. I think I just figured out what's going on with him. His GF is smokin hot though.