IF you read Planet Muscle please look


New member
Hey bro I know what your talking about.....but I forgot the name too but I hear nothing but good dhit from there products. Couple of my buddies are using them and they are impressed. I will let u know the name tomm, if not let me know cause I have it on the tip of my tongue. Sorry bro
Oh shit it just came too me.....I think it's VPX, and it's some expensive shit but I heard there protein is good. There simliar too Muscletech. They have a shit load of products too
anyone evertry chemi-sport 1-t undecriol?(one test) the good bad or ugly also on euro pharms? any trusted ?email pls
Silverback316 said:
Thank Fatchops, but that isn't the product I saw. This is made by an Australian copmany and it 60.00 dollars a bottle. It is supposed to be able to increase your natural test production along with many other things. The ad makes some pretty big claims, but the ingredients in it look like they are capable of what the ad says. I might have to call work tomorrow and have someone check the mag for me so I can order some to give it a shot.

If your looking for a product like that then I would recommend ECDY-MAX from EAS......sweet product, check it out playa.