Question regarding Stane/Letro

Yea, I can do that tomorrow for sure.

And Ill check out your log. Though Ill say my gyno is extremely minor and not to the point that its physically noticeable from just looking. So its not like its a cosmetic nightmare.

Not yet but give it a few more weeks and you'll start to se deformation and how you progressively turn yourself into a women with nice tits lol
@Papanoel, when Im sitting here saying MYSELF that I made a dumb mistake and learned from it, theres really no point in you sitting there continuing to talk trash bro. Be useful or bounce, man. Its really not that hard.
Its more how effective the different AI's are.
I'm using memory but I'm fairly certain letro binds to about 98%, asin 70% and forget adex but think it was 86%.

Yeah that's all over forums but I havent seen a reference for the claim. 70-90% in women.

"Letrozole inhibits the aromatase enzyme by competitively binding to the heme of the
cytochrome P450 subunit of the enzyme, resulting in a reduction of estrogen biosynthesis in
all tissues."

Straight from its PDF.
Its dose dependant also. At a saturation dose possibly but if I take 1 mg asin it wont give me 70%. Those are probably its actual binding of the AI meaning more letro binds to aromatase per mg than asin or adex.
"On average, the men had been infertile for nearly three years. The men received a 2.5-milligram letrozole pill every week. Their follow-up ranged from two to 21 months."

Letrozole Shows Promise for Treating Infertility in Obese Men <<<<that'll get you an article.*

"After initiating low-dose letrozole, estradiol decreased from 119.5 nmol/L to 72.2 nmol/L; mean FSH increased from 4.4 IU/L to 8.0 IU/L; mean LH increased from 4.4 IU/L to 6.6 IU/L; and mean total testosterone increased from 7.4 nmol/L to 21.1 nmol/L. Additionally, mean sperm count increased from 14.8 x 109/L to 64.5 x 109/L."

While no estrogen was included estrogen is needed to male sperm. The studies participants couldn't have had crashed estrogen.

""Role of estrogens in spermatogenesis.Review article

Carreau S, et al. Front Biosci (Elite Ed). 2012.

Show full citation


Aromatase converts irreversibly androgens into estrogens and is present in the endoplasmic reticulum of various cells of mammalian testes ; at least in rodents, all testicular cells except peritubular cells express aromatase. In testis, high affinity estrogen receptors, ERalpha and/or ERbeta, together with a membrane rapid effect recently described, mediate the effects of estrogens. From the experimental models, in vitro studies and data collected in patients, it is now demonstrated that estrogens play an important role in the testis of vertebrates. At least it is supported by the widespread distribution of estrogen receptors in the testicular cells and the simultaneous presence of a biologically active aromatase in all germ cells (especially in meiotic and post-meiotic stages). Thus the role of estrogens (intracrine, autocrine and / or paracrine) in spermatogenesis (proliferation, apoptosis, survival and maturation) and more generally, in male reproduction is now evidenced, and much more complex than previously predicted."
estrogen is in there never mind. That's a quantitative measurement ofb2.5mg wk in obese men with hypogonadism.
ur Bodybuilder**********Join Date

Study is "Letrozole once a week normalizes serum testosterone in obesity-related male hypogonadism."


OBJECTIVE:*Isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (IHH) is frequently observed in severely obese men, probably as a result of increased estradiol (E(2)) production and E(2)-mediated negative feedback on pituitary LH secretion. Aromatase inhibitors can reverse this process. This study evaluates whether letrozole once a week can normalize serum testosterone in severely obese men and maintain its long term effect.

DESIGN:*Open, uncontrolled 6-month pilot study in 12 severely obese men (body mass index>35.0 kg/m(2)) with obesity-related IHH and free testosterone levels <225 pmol/l, treated with 2.5 mg letrozole once a week for 6 months.

RESULTS:*Six weeks of treatment reduced total E(2) from 123+/-11 to 58+/-7 pmol/l (P<0.001, mean+/-s.e.m.), and increased serum LH from 4.4+/-0.6 to 11.1+/-1.5 U/l (P<0.001). Total testosterone rose from 5.9+/-0.5 to 19.6+/-1.4 nmol/l (P<0.001), and free testosterone from 163+/-13 to 604+/-50 pmol/l (P<0.001). Total testosterone rose to within the normal range in all subjects, whereas free testosterone rose to supraphysiological levels in 7 out of 12 men. The testosterone and E(2) levels were stable throughout the week and during the 6-month treatment period.

CONCLUSION:*Letrozole 2.5 mg once a week produced a sustained normalization of serum total testosterone in obese men with IHH. However, free testosterone frequently rose to supraphysiological levels. Therefore, a starting dose <2.5 mg once a week is recommended.
@Papanoel, when Im sitting here saying MYSELF that I made a dumb mistake and learned from it, theres really no point in you sitting there continuing to talk trash bro. Be useful or bounce, man. Its really not that hard.

And i'm in response saying you are still making mistakes and will continue to make them because you have not taken the time to research or educate yourself.
That's why you should stop the cycle.

My usefulness is measured in how I care to be useful, not by what you think.
Stop doing stupid shit and you won't get stupid responses.
Yes, me coming here to do research is me not taking the time to do research. Lol. Your usefulness is very much determined by what I think, actually. Are you ACTUALLY being useful? No. Youre just talking shit. Period. And if you dont care, why are you still here? Either its to be useful, or to continue talking shit.
Nolva is what's used at the signs of gyno and labs are taken or people just raise their AI dosage. Nolva is like a pain killer gyno. It covers the symptoms but does not lower estrogen.
Dont start taking 2.5mg letro everyday. in the study above 2.5mg letro once a week took e2 from 123 pmol to 53 pmol plus or minus. That's in fat dudes with low T and elevate aromatase production from fatty tissue resulting in increased estrogen comversion.
Dont start taking 2.5mg letro everyday. in the study above 2.5mg letro once a week took e2 from 123 pmol to 53 pmol plus or minus. That's in fat dudes with low T and elevate aromatase production from fatty tissue resulting in increased estrogen comversion.

Going to give Ralox a try. Ive got enough to last the full 60 days (and no more) if needbe. From what Ive read here, it should help if not knock it out.

And by "here", I mean:

Which also leads to this post about gyno:

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Yes, me coming here to do research is me not taking the time to do research. Lol. Your usefulness is very much determined by what I think, actually. Are you ACTUALLY being useful? No. Youre just talking shit. Period. And if you dont care, why are you still here? Either its to be useful, or to continue talking shit.

Not only have I helped you, i've given you an exact plan to get rid of your gyno, which is based on personal experience.
But when you start going far out and show you have not even done the very basic due diligence, why should you be spoon feed?