Question regarding Stane/Letro

I wouldnt say Im brand new to the world of all this, but Im definitely not an expert. I have one guy that Ive gotten my stuff from and I basically have only taken what he told me. Ive only ever done two cycles before the one Im currently on. And they were over two years ago. With that said, I never had any issues those times, and I had great results. But this time, Im dealing with some (hopefully) minor things and looking to get some direction that I cant seem to get by researching because Im honestly not that keen on terminology.

With that said, please forgive me if my terms are wrong when giving you this info.

Im currently taking tren 200, and Cypionate 250. 1cc of each , twice a week. (Mon and Fridays). I know Prop is probably better but Ive tried 3 times and I always end up feeling like absolute trash, but thats not why Im here and Im cool to stay on cyp. While taking that, Im taking 1ml of Liquid Stane each morning.

Ive developed some gyno in left breast and its not huge or anything but its definitely painful and annoying. Im about to run out of Liquid Stane (I started it earlier than my cycle, hoping it would be in my system when I started the cycle) and I was told to do letro. But Im unaware of the dosage, and other information that could be useful. Or if i should just stay on Stane. And if I do get Letro, do I stay on it, and go back to Stane after the bottle is done, or stay on Letro? Things like this would be good to know.

Some other information about me.. Im not huge by any means. Endo bodytype. My wife just had a baby a little over a year ago, so Ive taken a lot of time off the gym and lost weight. Im down to 165lbs, and 6'1. So little to no body fat. Im taking no other supplements other than protein and what Ive mentioned above.

I dont know if any of that information is relevant, but I wanted to be as thorough as possible when talking about dosages. Thanks for any information. If I can provide anything else, Im happy to do my best. Sorry if Ive left anything out.
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Why is it called stane and not liquid aromasin?
Anyhow, what concentration is it? 1 ml doesn't tell much. Can't even find it on google lol.

What does your blood work say? How is estrogen, prolactin etc looking?
You never jump off your AI... Never. If you're running out, you had poor planning, do better next time.
Letro can crash you hard and it doesn't necessarily have to be high estrogen that's giving you gyno symptoms.

And then crashing estrogen will only make you feel like shit.
If anything, i'd jump on nolvadex right now.
I'd say 40mg ed for a week and then back down to 20mg for 3 more weeks and see how you feel. And some people will most likely recommend ralox but i've never used it myself so can't comment.
While doing this you need to verify estrogen is in check, if it's not, we can revisit the letro questions.
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While doing this you need to verify estrogen is in check, if it's not, we can revisit the letro questions.

I use liquid stane from **labs. Im not home atm or I could look at the bottle. As far as estrogen levels, I had just got bloodwork done at a doctors visit for different issue I was having unrelated to all this, and asked them to check my hormones levels. They said "everything looked normal". The only specific question I asked was for my Test and it was at the low end of normal at 425 which I expected.

Ill check on the concentration soon as Im able on the Liquid Stane.

Im unfamiliar with the term "ed". When you say "40mg ed". Im sure I know what it is, but Im not the internet much when it comes to these things so I dont know acronyms. I apologize for dumb questions.
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Its 25mg per ml.
And you've been taking this every morning, from first injection?
Yeh, either it's completely bunk or its completely bunk lol.

25mg per day is about twice as high than you need for 500mg test cyp.
But I get confused when your doctor says blood work comes back normal.... Any chance you could request a print out yourself and post here so I can look myself?

You are on tren so prolactin could be an issue but not if estrogen is kept under check, because its a prerequisite.

ED just means every day :)
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Wait what... Your test came back at 425ng/dl at 500mg cyp?
yeh, i'm starting to wonder if you have legit gear at all because nothing makes sense lol...

You are taking twice as high AI as needed, so estrogen shouldn't be an issue, which also rules out prolactin.
But then you say 425ng/dl on 500mg test cyp, when in reality it should be closer to 3000ng/dl.

What's going on here?:P
When you said ralox, I did a search for it in forums and found the same FAQ sheet I had read earlier. Originally, I didnt see anything about it on there, but after closer look, I did find a link on there that led to some helpful information. RUI has a pretty good sale on ralox right now so Im gonna give that a shot. Mainly because I 100% know this is a gyno lump after having it checked out in full scans on Monday.

The FAQ suggested 60mg a day for 10 days, then 30mg after that until its gone.

If anyone else reads this and has any other useful information, Ill still welcome it. Thanks everyone.
Wait what... Your test came back at 425ng/dl at 500mg cyp?
yeh, i'm starting to wonder if you have legit gear at all because nothing makes sense lol...

You are taking twice as high AI as needed, so estrogen shouldn't be an issue, which also rules out prolactin.
But then you say 425ng/dl on 500mg test cyp, when in reality it should be closer to 3000ng/dl.

What's going on here?:P

No, that was right before my cycle. I just started my cycle last week. Blood work was done literally a few days before. I originally was going to wait til this bump was gone to do cycle, but figured I would just try and treat it along the way since levels seemed to be decent (as decent as can be). And didnt want to wait 2 months to start a cycle unless I just had to.
No, that was right before my cycle. I just started my cycle last week. Blood work was done literally a few days before. I originally was going to wait til this bump was gone to do cycle, but figured I would just try and treat it along the way since levels seemed to be decent (as decent as can be). And didnt want to wait 2 months to start a cycle unless I just had to.

fml... So you base your estrogen on blood work before you even started a cycle?
In what world does that make sense to you?

I've successfully treated a gyno lump and had it complete disappear and verified with both ultrasound and tittay scans.
I used nolva, which is the most commonly recommended gyno treatment drug. And you should already have nolva on hand for your PCT, so makes the most sense to use.
Now that I have that figured out, one thing I didnt see is.. Do you continue usual AI in addition to Ralox? Or do I just switch over to Ralox on its own without the Liquid stane?
I didnt say any of that. But thanks. -- I said I had blood work done just before starting a cycle. Because I wanted to make sure my levels were okay before starting the cycle. And they were.. And at that time, I had this lump also. the smartest choice would have been to probably treat the lump before the cycle, but that wasnt the choice I made because I didnt figure to be necessary since my bloodwork turned out alright.

I didnt have nolva "on hand" because Ive never had this issue arise in past cycles before. But as it stands, you can sit there and say "well you should have had this, or should have had that" all day. Thats not entirely helpful until I can get a time machine. Until then, Im just making the best decision I can make. And after being directed to the FAQ here in this forum, and reading about its recommendation for Ralox, I went ahead and ordered that. Itll be here in 2 days.

So rather than telling me things I shouldve, couldve done, I'd like to focus on what I CAN do in this moment and what I can do moving forward.

If you know whether Im supposed to take Ralox WITH Liquid Stane, or whether Im supposed to just flat out switch to Ralox, ..that would be awesome. =)

Edit: This was in reply to a comment thats been deleted. Not to you, Mycelium
Honestly not sure why people recommend ralox over nolva.
Perhaps the side effects from nolva which is harsher but then again, nolva is more effective at the job.
It's about 25% better.
You can read more on cancer website for the FDA.

Is ralox an AI? Can you at least do the very basics of research before asking questions?
If you cant, just stop your cycle and go on PCT because you're not ready.

You ALWAYS have nolva on hand as its part of any PCT, stop making excuses.
letro can possibly crash your estrogen but I believe it is probably over dosed by many people and can actually build up in your system over time. There was a study in obese men who took a whole tab a week and ended with elevated testosterone. It is being studied as a possible fertility treatment.

"On average, the men had been infertile for nearly three years. The men received a 2.5-milligram letrozole pill every week. Their follow-up ranged from two to 21 months."

Letrozole Shows Promise for Treating Infertility in Obese Men <<<<that'll get you an article.

"After initiating low-dose letrozole, estradiol decreased from 119.5 nmol/L to 72.2 nmol/L; mean FSH increased from 4.4 IU/L to 8.0 IU/L; mean LH increased from 4.4 IU/L to 6.6 IU/L; and mean total testosterone increased from 7.4 nmol/L to 21.1 nmol/L. Additionally, mean sperm count increased from 14.8 x 109/L to 64.5 x 109/L."
Can you post your labs? I ran T in the 400s and estrogen in range and grew tits. I have a log on here of when I got them cut out
You've done so many things wrong and stupid that you shouldn't run any cycle, which is evident by your gyno.
Just bail, research, educate yourself and maybe try again once you figured out how to treat your gyno.
Because its a high risk you will only further accelerate your issues.
I had taken just a short cycle of test in late 2018 (so short, I hadnt even considered it a cycle earlier when mentioning cycles) and was irresponsible with that in thinking I didnt need an AI since it was such a short cycle and I was taking normal PCT stuff from Nutrition store shelves. (Ive learned that was dumb by this mistake Im dealing with now).

And Im suspecting this gyno is a result of that.Though it wasnt as bothersome until recently.
letro can possibly crash your estrogen but I believe it is probably over dosed by many people and can actually build up in your system over time.

Its more how effective the different AI's are.
I'm using memory but I'm fairly certain letro binds to about 98%, asin 70% and forget adex but think it was 86%.
I had taken just a short cycle of test in late 2018 (so short, I hadnt even considered it a cycle earlier when mentioning cycles) and was irresponsible with that in thinking I didnt need an AI since it was such a short cycle and I was taking normal PCT stuff from Nutrition store shelves. (Ive learned that was dumb by this mistake Im dealing with now).

And Im suspecting this gyno is a result of that.Though it wasnt as bothersome until recently.

lol.....omg... Please say you are trolling us...
You always need an AI for a real cycle and there is no PCT drugs that are sold off the counter so you've never done a real PCT and it shows by your gyno.
And then you decided to start a cycle WITH god...just stop this cycle before you end up hurting yourself real real bad...
And bitch tits might seem bad but the way you're going it will be the least of your problems.
Can you post your labs? I ran T in the 400s and estrogen in range and grew tits. I have a log on here of when I got them cut out

Yea, I can do that tomorrow for sure.

And Ill check out your log. Though Ill say my gyno is extremely minor and not to the point that its physically noticeable from just looking. So its not like its a cosmetic nightmare.
I'm personally trying to switch to letro. I have medication that causes excess estrogen production and my dosages of AI are similar to what some people run on a cycle.

Do you have HCG to keep your balls idling and ready for PCT? Or at least a blast to wake them up before PCT?