New member
I wouldnt say Im brand new to the world of all this, but Im definitely not an expert. I have one guy that Ive gotten my stuff from and I basically have only taken what he told me. Ive only ever done two cycles before the one Im currently on. And they were over two years ago. With that said, I never had any issues those times, and I had great results. But this time, Im dealing with some (hopefully) minor things and looking to get some direction that I cant seem to get by researching because Im honestly not that keen on terminology.
With that said, please forgive me if my terms are wrong when giving you this info.
Im currently taking tren 200, and Cypionate 250. 1cc of each , twice a week. (Mon and Fridays). I know Prop is probably better but Ive tried 3 times and I always end up feeling like absolute trash, but thats not why Im here and Im cool to stay on cyp. While taking that, Im taking 1ml of Liquid Stane each morning.
Ive developed some gyno in left breast and its not huge or anything but its definitely painful and annoying. Im about to run out of Liquid Stane (I started it earlier than my cycle, hoping it would be in my system when I started the cycle) and I was told to do letro. But Im unaware of the dosage, and other information that could be useful. Or if i should just stay on Stane. And if I do get Letro, do I stay on it, and go back to Stane after the bottle is done, or stay on Letro? Things like this would be good to know.
Some other information about me.. Im not huge by any means. Endo bodytype. My wife just had a baby a little over a year ago, so Ive taken a lot of time off the gym and lost weight. Im down to 165lbs, and 6'1. So little to no body fat. Im taking no other supplements other than protein and what Ive mentioned above.
I dont know if any of that information is relevant, but I wanted to be as thorough as possible when talking about dosages. Thanks for any information. If I can provide anything else, Im happy to do my best. Sorry if Ive left anything out.
With that said, please forgive me if my terms are wrong when giving you this info.
Im currently taking tren 200, and Cypionate 250. 1cc of each , twice a week. (Mon and Fridays). I know Prop is probably better but Ive tried 3 times and I always end up feeling like absolute trash, but thats not why Im here and Im cool to stay on cyp. While taking that, Im taking 1ml of Liquid Stane each morning.
Ive developed some gyno in left breast and its not huge or anything but its definitely painful and annoying. Im about to run out of Liquid Stane (I started it earlier than my cycle, hoping it would be in my system when I started the cycle) and I was told to do letro. But Im unaware of the dosage, and other information that could be useful. Or if i should just stay on Stane. And if I do get Letro, do I stay on it, and go back to Stane after the bottle is done, or stay on Letro? Things like this would be good to know.
Some other information about me.. Im not huge by any means. Endo bodytype. My wife just had a baby a little over a year ago, so Ive taken a lot of time off the gym and lost weight. Im down to 165lbs, and 6'1. So little to no body fat. Im taking no other supplements other than protein and what Ive mentioned above.
I dont know if any of that information is relevant, but I wanted to be as thorough as possible when talking about dosages. Thanks for any information. If I can provide anything else, Im happy to do my best. Sorry if Ive left anything out.
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