Igf-1 ec (mgf)


Hello, I am new to this site, but have been reading posts here for a while. I have trouble building mass in the inner part of the chest and upper inner part especially. I have been hitting chest hard the past year with flies and cables at the beginning and end of my chest workout. The sides of my chest seem to always take the force. Would IGF-1 EC (MGF) help me in this area for localized growth? Thank you

P.S. I have been lifting and dieting for about 4 years now
Nice! I have herd nothing but great things about Purchase Peptides! I will have to try them sometime. I def would like to do some research.
yes doo the research before you dive in to get the most out of your test. ;-)
good luck!
feel free to pm em with any questions
For sure I cant PM yet but I'm trying to get to 75 posts as fast as I can. I'm a noob on this site haha! Thanks
Bumping this... Anyone got more info on igf? Im having same issues as OP and also my upper biceps