IGF-1 Ec vs. IGF-1 Lr3


New member
I've been researching lately on Igf and am quite interested, more so in the recovery aspect. Does anyone have any info or know the difference between the two.
I was planning on running IGF-1 Lr3 at 40mcg a day but started reading a bit on Ec(MGF) and that it targets tissue damage specifically, which is what I want. Just not finding much more on it and was wanting feedback on someone who has ran it or knows a bit. And also if the dosing protocal is the same as igf-1 lr3?
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Also another thing that I cant get a straight answer out of is whats the best way to inject? I've heard IM for the most part but then hear IM bilaterally so if im doin 50mcgs a day and get done working out shoulders, I then inject 25mcgs in my left, 25mcg in my right. What have any of you done? Does subQ work as well?
Also another thing that I cant get a straight answer out of is whats the best way to inject? I've heard IM for the most part but then hear IM bilaterally so if im doin 50mcgs a day and get done working out shoulders, I then inject 25mcgs in my left, 25mcg in my right. What have any of you done? Does subQ work as well?
I am more of a fan of IGF-Lr3; been using it for research purposes for about 4 weeks now and the results are incredible.
The general consensus for dosing LR3 seems to be 40mcg to 60mcg. For no longer than 5 weeks. Do not exceed 100mcg. The average user should have no reason to ever come close to that dose. Some people shoot everyday, some just PWO. So on the days you do not work out the best thing to do is shoot whenever you wake up this helps maintain constant blood levels and helps fight of catabolism.

The first time user should just use 40mcg on PWO days only. This way you can use 40mcg for 5 weeks assuming you have just one MG of LR3. It is a great starting dose that will get you results. But if you have used 40mcg in the past and didnt see the results you wanted, try 60mcg.

A great way to run a cycle that includes IGF would be this-
Weeks 1-12 test Enanthate E3D 500-750mg a week
Weeks 1-4, 15-19* 40mcg of LR3 ED
PCT 14-18

*IMO I do not feel that its needed the first week of post cycle therapy (pct), if my weight falls off it does in weeks 2-3, so I want to aleviate that problem
Thanks for the info Conrad, I just started running LR3 this week. I'll be injecting 50mcgs mon-fri pwo bilaterall. I never heard much info on when the optimal time to inject when on off days so thanks for that info. So far it seems fine, awhile after injecting it makes the injected muscle insanely dense and hard, i'm looking forward to seeing how this works out with recovery.
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I am more of a fan of IGF-Lr3; been using it for research purposes for about 4 weeks now and the results are incredible.
The general consensus for dosing LR3 seems to be 40mcg to 60mcg. For no longer than 5 weeks. Do not exceed 100mcg. The average user should have no reason to ever come close to that dose. Some people shoot everyday, some just PWO. So on the days you do not work out the best thing to do is shoot whenever you wake up this helps maintain constant blood levels and helps fight of catabolism.

The first time user should just use 40mcg on PWO days only. This way you can use 40mcg for 5 weeks assuming you have just one MG of LR3. It is a great starting dose that will get you results. But if you have used 40mcg in the past and didnt see the results you wanted, try 60mcg.

A great way to run a cycle that includes IGF would be this-
Weeks 1-12 test Enanthate E3D 500-750mg a week
Weeks 1-4, 15-19* 40mcg of LR3 ED
PCT 14-18

*IMO I do not feel that its needed the first week of post cycle therapy (pct), if my weight falls off it does in weeks 2-3, so I want to aleviate that problem

I love the idea of using this peptide at the beginning of cycle and towards the end close to PCT.. gonna be doing the exact same thing soon
im going to be running an ostarine/igf-lr3 cycle starting at the beginning of may. i have a few questions.

are you guys back loading the igf with bct water??and if so how much?

also, i understand that the best results come from injecting pwo bilaterally IM. if im using a 1'inch insulin needle would i need to go in all the way?? if i inject on my bi's, tri's, or chest im afraid i will hit bone..maybe its because its my first time injecting...so i apologize if its a stupid question.

also the only reason i would be injecting chest is because i have been told and logs have showed tha igf acts in multiplying muscle cells rather than just increasing cell size(as aas does) so i figure it will help me improve areas that i want more attention to such as my chest..also has bi-later injections ever been done on the back? i hope this question is not stupid, as i am a first time injector.
im going to be running an ostarine/igf-lr3 cycle starting at the beginning of may. i have a few questions.

are you guys back loading the igf with bct water??and if so how much?

also, i understand that the best results come from injecting pwo bilaterally IM. if im using a 1'inch insulin needle would i need to go in all the way?? if i inject on my bi's, tri's, or chest im afraid i will hit bone..maybe its because its my first time injecting...so i apologize if its a stupid question.

also the only reason i would be injecting chest is because i have been told and logs have showed tha igf acts in multiplying muscle cells rather than just increasing cell size(as aas does) so i figure it will help me improve areas that i want more attention to such as my chest..also has bi-later injections ever been done on the back? i hope this question is not stupid, as i am a first time injector.

Not stupid at all, you want to use Acetic Acid to reconstitute, then you can dillute if you want with BAC water-only at the time of injection with BAC. Bilaterall is best, so when I work out bi n tris, ill hit bi's that night and tri's the next. Preference really. I do back also, but easier to have your girl do it. 1" slin will work, I use 5/8. With 1" you wont have to burry it and you definetly wont hit your bone.
Not stupid at all, you want to use Acetic Acid to reconstitute, then you can dillute if you want with BAC water-only at the time of injection with BAC. Bilaterall is best, so when I work out bi n tris, ill hit bi's that night and tri's the next. Preference really. I do back also, but easier to have your girl do it. 1" slin will work, I use 5/8. With 1" you wont have to burry it and you definetly wont hit your bone.

thanks a lot. im comfortable with reconstituting the igf with AA, it was more pinning it that was my concern. I hear pretty much everyone say that when doing an aas inject you need to go virtually all the way in if using a 1" needle.

how did the igf work for you? were there noticeable results?
Not at all really that I could notice being that I was running test and npp. Was mainly running it for the recovery aspect, putting carbs in the area needed and what you stated in your post. When I run again it will be during post cycle therapy (pct). As far as gains, you can expect too much from it as people only put a pound or two on it. But for what I listed, it's great for that.
As far as going all the way in with a 1" pin, it all depends on your body fat. Like I said, I have no problem injecting with a 5/8 pin as many others do the same.
im probably at 9% right now. i already have veins all through my shoulders, arms, legs and im hoping that using the igf will just help me with strength while i cut.

im not looking to gain weight so im happy you said only 1-2lbs. im only trying to preserve strength and muscle. also do you keep the igf refrigerated while storing it in between uses?
im probably at 9% right now. i already have veins all through my shoulders, arms, legs and im hoping that using the igf will just help me with strength while i cut.

im not looking to gain weight so im happy you said only 1-2lbs. im only trying to preserve strength and muscle. also do you keep the igf refrigerated while storing it in between uses?

Yes, always keep it refrigerated. I think you'll be real happy with it. What mcg are you gonna be running? I ran 50mcg, 25mcg per muscle. Some say you get real vascular running it so if you already are vascular then that'll be pretty crazy. Keep us posted cuz i've only ran it once, but will continue with it. Oh, how long you running it for? They say 30 days on-30 days off.
ill be running it at 40mcg only on workout days. so 1mg of igf should run me 40 days if i go 5 days a week, but when i start my summer training im in there 6 or 7 days so havent decided for sure yet.

i plan on running it again at the end of july so thats why im only running it at 40mcg this time. i figure if its not enough i can bump it up..plus ill be using the ostarine at the same time.
40mcg's is a good dose, like I said keep me posted on it especially now that you mention your gonna be running ostarine. I've always been interested in that stuff.