IGF-1 LR3 After I've reconstituted..............


New member
I've been doing some research on IGF-1 LR3 for when I start post cycle therapy (pct) next month and I've decided to run 50MCG ED for 8 weeks just to try the stuff out.


1) After I've reconstituted the 1mg IGF-1 LR3 powder with 2ML AA (0.1ML=50/MCG) can I back load my 0.5ML slin pin with sterile water instead of bac water?

2) I was going to add 0.3ML of water to the 0.1ML/50MCG solution, is this correct?

3) If I was to split my 50MCG into 2 pins (1 in left bicep, calf etc 1 in right bicep, calf etc) I should be back loading 0.15ML of water into each slin pin. Is this correct or does it not matter if I just pin it all into my glute?

Thanks, Mitch.
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You can use sub q or IM, but i like to use pre workout, in the lacking muscle group that i will work that day. If you are pinning the muscle, then you will pin bilaterally. You have to find what dose is good for you. I recomend starting at 60mcgs, 30 on the right and 30 on the left, and work up from there. I run 100 mcgs, any more than that, and the pumps can get uncomfortable for me. I have run it on cycle and off. I backload with BA. I usually do biceps and calves. Ive done forearms but its kind of scary cuz theres lots of nerves and such in that area. Hope that helps.