Igf-1 lr3


i dont know if this is in the right place but im trying to get as much info on this as i can. how to mix, inject, store, user reviews etc. if someone can point me in the right direction i would appreciate it. im looking to incorperate it into my next cycle PCT.

oh i saw a sticky here but its from 2002.
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mix with .06% acetic acid. Inject IM PWO and eat some carbs. I recommend 50mcg split bi-laterally. (25 mcg into each bicep etc, 0-20 minutes post work out)
You can inject in any muscle that you want (some even do subq), but I was only focusing on my arms so I would inject biceps after I worked them, then inject triceps after I worked them etc. IGF can produce localized growth through hyperplasia and of course it enters your bloodstream and you get the effects throughout, but even more so where ever you inject. At least that was my experience and I didn't believe in spot injections, and I still don't believe in spot injecting steroids, just IGF.
You can inject in any muscle that you want (some even do subq), but I was only focusing on my arms so I would inject biceps after I worked them, then inject triceps after I worked them etc. IGF can produce localized growth through hyperplasia and of course it enters your bloodstream and you get the effects throughout, but even more so where ever you inject. At least that was my experience and I didn't believe in spot injections, and I still don't believe in spot injecting steroids, just IGF.

so you have noticed first hand experience of localized growth from igf?
You can inject in any muscle that you want (some even do subq), but I was only focusing on my arms so I would inject biceps after I worked them, then inject triceps after I worked them etc. IGF can produce localized growth through hyperplasia and of course it enters your bloodstream and you get the effects throughout, but even more so where ever you inject. At least that was my experience and I didn't believe in spot injections, and I still don't believe in spot injecting steroids, just IGF.

what size slin pin? do you need to asperate like with test injections?
so you have noticed first hand experience of localized growth from igf?

Yes, I was skeptical, but my arms were my main injection site and I definitely noticed growth in my arms, not so much change anywhere else. Gonna run it again this summer.
Yes, I was skeptical, but my arms were my main injection site and I definitely noticed growth in my arms, not so much change anywhere else. Gonna run it again this summer.

did you just use your durring post cycle therapy (pct)? i have not injected bis/tris before. sounds shitty to me:worried:. i thought people used slin pins and did it either im or subQ.
so you were splitting the daily dose between biceps one day then do both triceps the next. why did you only inject those spots when you dont train them daily? this shit is confusing to me.
Just about any consumer product under the sun can cause cancer....they say that about steroids, artificial sweetener,wireless phones,microwave ovens,aerosol spray cans,ect ect...pic your poison..lol:worried:
yeah IGF, HGH, steroid etc all can promote tissue growth. I personally don't think they cause cancer, but if you had cancer it could make it worse