IGF-1 Lr3


New member
Getting ready to add some IGF-1 LongR3 to my cycle and have a few questions. To start I'll be taking 20mcg on off days and 30mcg on workout days. Right now I'm cruising (week 1 of 8) on T250 at 200mg a week and was curious if throwing IGF in now is a good idea or should I wait for PCT? I know it doesnt matter when you take LR3 but also was curious if pre or post workout was any better then the other far as taking the IGF? One last question I have read not to take it any longer then 4 weeks at a time and also read dont take it no less then 10 weeks? Thanks
so your running 200mg of test every week for 8 weeks then doing a post cycle therapy (pct)?...if so WHY? This is a Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) not cycle and if you need post cycle therapy (pct) and can recover than you should not be doing this, atleast 400mg ew for 12-16 weeks i rec. (This would be a big wast of a cycle and still throwing your body through a horomonal rollar coaster for really nothing.)

For ICG1LR3 people will debate on pre or post workout. I have read alot on this myself and tend to favour post wo (1-2hrs post-wo) to let time for other growth factors to take on full effects from your workout. but dont over think it. I take it pre-wo alot also due to ease and it still works fine.

Now my op on duration; I rec atleast 8 weeks. I would also rec not going over 12 weeks at a time simply due to the fact we dont know how good it is for you to do that long term with lr3.

I would also say just stick to 30mcg ed period, weather workout day or not.

I HIGHLY rec RUI-products IGF1LR3 I LOVE the stuff!!! My lab studies have gone GREAT!

Do your research on all places before you buy, alot of low quality products out there right now.
so your running 200mg of test every week for 8 weeks then doing a post cycle therapy (pct)?...if so WHY? This is a Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) not cycle and if you need post cycle therapy (pct) and can recover than you should not be doing this, atleast 400mg ew for 12-16 weeks i rec. (This would be a big wast of a cycle and still throwing your body through a horomonal rollar coaster for really nothing.

Ha no im cursing right now. Just finished Tren A Test Prop and now cursing on 200mg EW. I have done many cycles and I know that just 200mg isn't a cycle. I do 8 on 8 cruise 8 on then post cycle therapy (pct). This method works very well for me.

I appreciate the info on the LR3. I already bought from IFGLR3.com I believe they are members here?