IGF and INSULIN timing? HELP


New member
Ok, first off I am diabetic, so I take insulin when I eat! Generally, POST workout, I eat about 100g Carbs and Protein, which makes it so I have to take a big Insulin shot. However, I have read POST workout is also the best time to use IGF....

So, is it ok to inject them at the same time? I have read you dont want to do that because they will both fight for a receptor so that could cause the IGF to not work as well?

I have also read contradictory to that, that insulin can actually potentiat IGF?

Would love to know as well.

One guy on here was eating before the gym (carb intake), shooting his 100mcg IGF and Then working out..

PWO was his slin and carbs.

This could work?
I hear it increase sensitivity to insulin but I don't know for sure. I have a guy I can ask so I'll get back with you after I talk to him.