IGF LR3 Stomach pains!


over into the darkside
Just came off a test/deca cycle currently in PCT running 40mg daily PWO of igf lr3.

First week was great, little tired sometimes but I slept like a rock. last night I started to get really bad stomach pains and back pains.
Didn't sleep all night, kept waking up thirsty and having to pee.

I read a little this morning that people have complained of stomach pains and they went away after a few days.

This off another board when I was searching
that sounds like cholestasis - obstruction of bile flow in the bile ducts.

another remedy besides tairun is ursodesoxycholic acid, but much better would be just to keep rubber hot bag with hot water on liver side for 30-40 mins before bed. Bile will become less viscous and easy the flow. Waxy like deposits on walls of bile ducts also can be dissolved simply by using hot bag. It is quite safe too.

Also check out if you are hydrating properly and taking enough water, if not bile can become more thick and flow will be obstructed. No thing serious and nothing to do with IGF1.

But the pain occur if I do pwo inject on that day. My friend also take the same thing with me,but she is really fine. Something wrong with me?

What is tairun?

Maybe this is causing an issue with my digestion? my g/f said I looked bloated a few days ago and come to think of it, I haven't had to many movements in the last few days until today.

I didn't bother taking protein or anything today.
The pain is unbearable, I don't understand why my back would hurt, its like dbol pumps but way worse, then pain in the stomach on top of it. kidneys?
I don't want to go to the hospital because I don't want to have to tell them I've been using drugs.
Just came off a test/deca cycle currently in PCT running 40mg daily PWO of igf lr3.

First week was great, little tired sometimes but I slept like a rock. last night I started to get really bad stomach pains and back pains.
Didn't sleep all night, kept waking up thirsty and having to pee.

I read a little this morning that people have complained of stomach pains and they went away after a few days.

This off another board when I was searching

What is tairun?

Maybe this is causing an issue with my digestion? my g/f said I looked bloated a few days ago and come to think of it, I haven't had to many movements in the last few days until today.

I didn't bother taking protein or anything today.
The pain is unbearable, I don't understand why my back would hurt, its like dbol pumps but way worse, then pain in the stomach on top of it. kidneys?
I don't want to go to the hospital because I don't want to have to tell them I've been using drugs.
you dont have to nore should you in most cases as it could fuk you up for health or life insurance.
sounds like it could be kidnys and tummy issues.
I HAVE NEVER herd or felt that with igf1 usage mayself.
and i go to take a "release" 1-3 times a day, EVERY DAY. if i didnt go for 3 -4 days id go to doc.
Im not sure whats wrong but I dont think it has anyhting to do with igf.
also with a fever, you MIGHT and an inturnal infection. I think you should go to doc. dont tell em about drugs, maybe just mention you lift rerally heavly and iuse alot of protien powers. let them test you and see what they say, atleast thats what I woudl rec.
im sure nto what you wanted to hear. but NO its not normal with igf1 to have these issues atleast not fom my EXP.
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Thanks for the reply!
I passed out for a few hours and the fever went away so that made me less worried, like you said I was thinking infection when I had the fever...
I use to go 2-3 times a day and now thats changed....
I think the amount of hunger from the igf has made me put in way more then what's coming out. I'm eating more now then when I was on my cycle!!!
I'll try to get the digestion under control then start back on it.
i just finished my post cycle therapy (pct) and i used igf1 lr3 ed @ 30mcg. i had no negative side effects the entire cycle....
I think I need to be running a bile acid supplement or with the increased appetite, I was unable to digest that much food.
I was eating more then when I was on my cycle!
I think I need to be running a bile acid supplement or with the increased appetite, I was unable to digest that much food.
I was eating more then when I was on my cycle!

using Purchase Peptides IGF1lr3 i never had this issue or need and had great results.
but tumeric is a herb that will help with bile flow, also ginger.
Been using purchase peps IGF DES for a while now and never had this problem. Interesting.Maybe the quality?
This was caused by the use of orals near the end of the cycle. Liver is a little tired.
99% sure that it has nothing to do with the igf.
I have never had that issue nor have I ever heard of that with purchase peps.

I just finished my 6 week dbol cycle and had to stop a few days early as I was feeling quite bloated and sick to my stomach a lot. I think it was a little more potent than I thought. It was only 30mg. I used it as a kick start to my cycle.

I think maybe your plugged up due to high protein and lack of water (dehydration?) how are you peeing? What color, odor, frequency? Is it easy to pee or difficult?
pre existing GI problems can be amplified. Remember that aside from skeletal muscle, the intestines have a large number of IGF1 receptors. bloating, diahria and over time, "gh gut" can occur. I like just running 5iu of gh everyday over useing IGF1.