im coming off for good after 2.5 years, here's my PCT regimen


New member
it's been a good run for me, but i think its time to come off. it's personal reasons, but mainly because i'm just not into working out like that anymore. i'm a young guy i'm in my early 20s (please dont turn this into a thread about me being too young).. been cruising on around 200mg test prop a week for the past 6 months.

i went to an endocrinologist, i told him everything and he prescribed me nothing and suggested i just come off, get a blood test in 4 weeks and see what's going on. with my knowledge on steroids, i dont think its such a great idea to just come off and not take anything so i picked up some goodies. 10,000iu HCG, clomid and nolva

during my last week of cruising o test i will be shooting hCG 500iu EOD, then come off test completely and continue hcg @ 250iu EOD, then come off HCG completely and run clomid 50mg ED and nolva 20mg ED for 30 days. i'll have aromasin on hand throughout all of this and will use if needed.

2 weeks later i'll get blood work and see where i'm at. if my levels are fucked, like if i have anything around 400ng/dl test (on the 1200 scale), i'm gonna do hcg again for another week or two and then get blood work a week or two later. if it is STILL low, then i guess i fucked myself up and might as well try to get some TRT. wish me luck

what do you guys think?
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Did you run hCG while blasting and cruising?

If not, you likely have serious atrophy of your testicles and will need to run hCG much longer before transitioning to clomid. You can stimulate your pituitary into cranking out LH all you want, but if your testicles aren't ready to make testosterone it won't do any good.
Did you run hCG while blasting and cruising?

If not, you likely have serious atrophy of your testicles and will need to run hCG much longer before transitioning to clomid. You can stimulate your pituitary into cranking out LH all you want, but if your testicles aren't ready to make testosterone it won't do any good.
nope, my balls never shrunk at all.. ever

Be ready to accept the fact that TRT may be in your future, for life!
i had already accepted that when i made the decision to cruise nearly 3 years ago. i dont need your dogshit negative input but thanks pal
nope, my balls never shrunk at all.. ever

i had already accepted that when i made the decision to cruise nearly 3 years ago. i dont need your dogshit negative input but thanks pal

Guessing you already had atrophied testicles pre-AAS. Also guessing that you had a late and modest puberty?
That should of been some thought and research before u considered blasting and cruising specially being in your early 20's of never producing your own natty test ever again
Being a pin cushion the remanded of your life is Def now in consideration
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