I'm getting hot on Ostarine and GW stack!!!


New member
I have am on week three of ostarine and week two of GW.

I have been dosing at 20mg and 10mg. I have taken ostarine before but never stacked it with anything. About 3 days ago I started having difficulty sleeping due to being hot and now I am the temp swings are becoming more consistent. They are tolerable but annoying. Has anyone else experienced this?

Don't know if anyone cares but my stats are 225lbs, 5'11 and 31 years old.
Sadly I am20% body fat ***128532;***128532;***128532;
Trying to cut with no fucking luck even though my diet has been around 2,000-2,500 calories for the past month. I lift 4 days per week and cardio only once a week.(might have something to do with lack of weight lose)

Strength has moderate increased while on cycle. Nothing significant. I was thinking about doing an 8 week cycle of ostarine and 4 week of GW. I am already at week 3 on osta and 2 of GW.

Any suggestions on the above would be appreciated and are the heat sides normal?
One more thing I have noticed while on this stack is that my eyes are super dry and my joints are sore, borderline painful. Has anyone else experienced this.
Day 28 of ostarine cycle and day 14 of GW. I have much more vascularity than normal. I noticed it a couple of weeks ago and it continues to be more prominent each week. Keep in mind I am 20% body fat so I am not used to being vascular. I am seeing decent results in the gym but my joints are super dry. I am going to start with some fish oil and glucosamine and hopefully that helps with the joints. I also have very dry eyes. I don't know what's up with that but it has become very annoying.

I will also fire up on cardio this week adding it in 3 times per week in addition to my weight sessions. Hopefully I can drop some body fat.
I have not used OSta or GW.... yet. But I think I am gonna try . Let us know if the sore joints get better.

Are you running anything else besides the Osta & GW?
I finished up a 60 day cycle of Ostarine and a 30 day of GW. My strength went up about 10% on all my lifts. I am pretty happy with that. I can't say I have actually gained or losed any weight as I usually bounce around 220-230 range from week to week.

I did notice that once I stopped the GW my heat sides stopped and I dint really notice any significant strength gains until I upped my ostarine dose to 30 mg.

My cycle ended almost 2 weeks ago and I noticed my sex drive being way down but my lifts have remained the same. No strength loss yet. I didn't take any pct. I have some liquid tamox lying around but not sure if I need anything as my sex drive is starting to come back.
GW is also a fat loss aide...it's never caused me to feel heat, but I definitely feel the fat burning effects if that makes sense.

And yes osta is always helpful with my joint issues. Both great products. Now, next time, throw in my favorite S4 and have yourself a triple stack. :-)
I have felt hot from GW as well...but not too badly as I am usually hot all the time anyway. I have a high metabolism to start with. My wife usually likes it as she is usually cold, so it makes her want to snuggle more. :)
How long are you guys taking off between cycles? I know typical is time off + pct= waiting period but I wasn't sure if it was necessary to wait that long.
One more thing I have noticed while on this stack is that my eyes are super dry and my joints are sore, borderline painful. Has anyone else experienced this.

I have taken that stack already, but I am also on TRT and take a low dose of Deca as well, so it could be that the Deca counteracts the drying effect. I have not heard of anyone else who has experienced it, though.