In need of a NEW protein powder flavor

This is how i roll(w water).. Let me know how the mint tastes.. I grabbed some sytha six-banana, and i prefer the ON. That gainer is good shit too/the one w 80 carbs NOM-NOM!
Once i get my casien lined out, its on like donkey kong

Yes, the ON Chocolate Mint is great. Even tho I mixed mine with organic soy milk.
I had to add this in now that I tryed it, cinnimon bun flav is AWSOME!!!
I would rec that now also that i just tryed it out.

I have it a try a while back, I had a sample sent to me, it was great... bu tmy favorite so far is the chocolate peanut butter :yumyum:
I have it a try a while back, I had a sample sent to me, it was great... bu tmy favorite so far is the chocolate peanut butter :yumyum:

I will always be a vanilla kind of guy :kiss2:

But some of those flavors are damn hard to resist trying.
Right now, I have chocolate whey protein but to be completely honest, I don't really like the taste... What other flavors would you recommend that taste good?

I like to use the Vinalla from Myofusion and mix cinnamon with little sugar. Vanilla allows you to add so many different variations. carries the Myo. Mixes easily too.
Vanilla would be the best for overall versatility. However, White Chocolate flavored Big Blend by Betancourt Nutrition is AMAZING tasting. Orbit carries both the 2.47lb and 4.27lb tubs.
I personally really like the optimum nutrition bananas and cream. its been a nice change from there rich chocolate - which i didnt really like
Vanilla would be the best for overall versatility. However, White Chocolate flavored Big Blend by Betancourt Nutrition is AMAZING tasting. Orbit carries both the 2.47lb and 4.27lb tubs.

ON vanilla ice cream rules !! Mixes great with whatever...~Bo~