In Need of Help On Cycle!


New member
What's up guys looking for som advice and tips to run this cycle, I've done a lot of reading and research. I just need some opinions.
12 week cycle
Week 1- 8 Test E 600 mg/wk
Week 1- 6 Dbol 40-50 mgs ED
Week 8-12 Tren 500 mg/wk
Week 8-12 lower test e to 400 mg/wk
Week 1-6 N2 Guard 4 caps ED
*would also like to add arimdex but not sure of dosages & length *

Week 1-2 HcGenerate Es 5 caps ED
Week 1-6 Cardarine 20 mgs ED
Week 2-6 clomid 50/50/25/25 ED
Week 2-6 nolva 40/20/20/20 ED
Week 2-6 Aromasin 12.5/12.5/12.5/7.5 EOD
Week 2-6 Ostarine 25/25/25/12.5 ED
Week 2-6 N2 guard 7 caps ED

Open to listen to any advice,tips, Something to add or remove, etc..
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It all looks good accept I would not use aromasin in pct and I would start it a week before first pin.oh and stop right before pct.
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With only 5 posts to your name, I'd guess people will ask you about your stats before giving much more guidance. Age, weight, goals, how many cycles have you done? This is a pretty heavy first cycle for example, and many would want to ensure you've been in this game a few times prior to running a cycle like that