In the planning stages of my first cycle, need some advice.


New member
Hello all, first post here after snooping around for the past 2 or 3 months. I'm trying to put together my first cycle, that I want to run at the end of this year or next spring. I'm waiting because I want to give myself lots of time to gather information and to give myself another 6 months of hard training. I've always been skeptical of using gear and if I'm going to I'm very determined to do everything right.

My stats:
6'0" 202 lbs. 24 yrs old, 15-18% bf (abs show but not much)
Been working out seriously for 2 years. In my first year I gained 30 lbs of muscle and dropped a little bodyfat. It was awesome. But in my 2nd year I have gained nothing. A little bit of strength but no weight. Needless to say this is frustrating. With my work and school schedule I really only have time to be in the gym 3 days a week, but I do mostly big, heavy barbell and dumbbell compound lifts. Cardio 1-2 days a week (biking). I do not mess around when in the gym.

My best lifts on the big 3: (I've never done 1RM, I don't have time for an injury)
Squat: 385 5x5
Bench: 205 3x8
DL: 395 1x5
My legs are strong but I seem to be weak in the upper body, despite changing my routine to be upper body focused over the past year.

So here's my plan (constructive criticism is greatly appreciated here):

Weeks 1-12 500mg test- E (2x250mg week)
Weeks 1-12 .25mg Arimidex (eod)
Weeks 1-12 250IUs HCG (every 4 days)

post cycle therapy (pct):
Week 14 - 40mg nolva+ 100mg clomid daily
Week 15 - 30mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily
Week 16 - 20mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily

How does it look? I'm most worried about the post cycle therapy (pct), is the 2 week waiting period after the last pin appropriate for the post cycle therapy (pct) regime? Is there a way I could do it better? I've seen that some people like to blast the HCG at the end of the cycle instead of using it throughout the cycle. I'm torn but it seems using during the cycle in smaller doses may be better.

Also, it's doubtful that my workout routine (3 days a week w/ heavy barbells and dumbbells) will be able to change much. Will this be ok as long as I keep the intensity up? If not I could always wait and do the cycle next summer and try to get 4 days a week in, but I would really love to have the cycle completed and be looking good by the start of summer. Can I expect this cycle to accelerate fat loss?

Thanks in advance for any advice.
PCT would technically start on week 15. It's 2 FULL weeks from last pin. I will let someone else comment on the HCG. Everyone seems to have different opinions on that.
Keeping the same routine is fine. Fat loss is 100% dependent on your diet.
12 weeks of test is good.

Adex is a good starting point but might be a little light. Bump it to 1/2mg EOD at the first sign of itchy nips.

Pin the HCG at 250iu twice a week, Same day as test is the easiest to keep track of. No need to start it on day 1 since you will not be suppressed yet. You want the HCG pin to be 4 days before you start post cycle therapy (pct), so, if you have enough, start at week 2, otherwise count backwards from post cycle therapy (pct) to find your start date. the timing of the last pin is more important the first.

post cycle therapy (pct) should start at 3+ half lives for the ester you are using. For test E it should really start about 15-18 days after last test pin. 2 weeks is a bare minimum. You should run it for 4 weeks, just add one more week 20/50 and you should be good to go.

3 days a week should be fine. The only way you're going to put on muscle is to eat. Really up your protein and your calories overall. Just accept that you might put on a little fat. You can diet down and drop it after your cycle.