incline bench before flat bench


New member
i would like your opions on whether it would be better to do incline bench first before flat. Do you think it is a good idea.
If you do incline first will your flat bench strenght improve as your incline bench improves.

what do you think
I have not switched the two excercises around.I would imagine that your incline strength would increase as well as your flat after switching back to your old routine.
I prefer to switch my routines up every 2 weeks. This way it keeps your body from adapting to the same sequence of workouts. I find it stimulates muscle groups much better...

Example week 1-2
- Flat bench bar
- Incline Dbells
- X overs
- Decline

Week 2-4

- Incline bar
- Flat Dbells
- Decline
- X overs

Etc, etc, etc........ of course there are numerous other excersises for chest.......
I agree I like to switch it up every 2-3 weeks, sometimes I'll go 3 weeks with no flat at all and just do inclines. When I do this and go back to flats in 3 weeks or so, my flat bench always goes up.
Starting your chest workout with inclines will tire your shoulders too much and you`ll lose strenght on the flat bench exercises that IMO are far superior to incline exercises in every aspect ..........
hell yah dude do incline first!

every once in awhile do flats gauge wether your strength has increased by doing incline first :)
What works the best for me is that I always start with heavy flat bench for maybe 3 sets to failure. Then the rest of the workout is all incline stuff, mainly incline dumbell press and flyes
I usually alternate; incline first one week and flat the next. Also like to use a very low angle for incline, try to take shoulders out of the movement as much as possible.
inline is the best to start off with, you want to have that full chest look which comes from good upper chest development. the guy with the bigger upper chest will look better than the guy with lower chest development. and your flat bech will get stronger to, even though your weaker when u get to that part of your workout. Hey any pro will tellu the same thing, if u want to look good, but if u r a powerlifter stick to flatbench first.
I dont necessarily agree that incline needs to be first to get even chest development. I always start with flat, but the last 2/3 of the workout is all incline, and its balances my chest out nicely