Increase My T - Payment Options - Now Accepting Bitcoin

IMT staff

Official Sponsor
If you are a current client or potential client that has gone through the pre approval process we have added a new payment page to the website - Please see following link

Payment Options

^^^ This page can be found by scrolling over the clients tab in the upper right hand corner, then clicking payment options on the drop-down menu.

IMT has 2 payment options:

1. Credit Card - to pay by credit card please simply download the credit card form on the above link. Fill in your information, print it out and sign it by hand.

Once you have done this there are 2 options for returning the signed authorization form:

a. Upload on the same link above using our secure HIPPA compliant portal.
b. Fax the form to 888-348-5190

Please refrain from emailing credit card forms. IMT cannot guarantee the security of your information if you email it to us. If you can upload a document to an email you will be able to upload it to the page just as well.

2. Bitcoin - What the heck is a Bitcoin?

A Bitcoin is a form of decentralized digital currency. Bitcoins are coins you can send through the internet without the need to expose your personal information like using a credit card. The fees on transferring Bitcoins are much lower than traditional credit card merchants, this allows us to pass the savings along to our clients. IMT can provide you with a 5% discount on your services if you choose to use Bitcoin much like a gas station charges you less for using cash.

Bitcoin is a new kind of money. It's the first decentralized electronic currency not controlled by a single organization or government. It's an open source project, and it is used by more than 100,000 people. All over the world people are trading hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of bitcoin every day with no middle man and no credit card companies. It's a startup currency which has never happened before.

Bitcoin is the first digital currency that is completely distributed. The network is made up of users like yourself so no bank or payment processor is required between you and whoever you're trading with. This decentralization is the basis for Bitcoin's security and freedom.

Email let us send letters for free, anywhere in the world. Skype lets us make phone and video calls for free, anywhere in the world. Now there's bitcoin. Bitcoin lets you send money to anyone online, anywhere in the world for less than a cent per transaction! Bitcoin is a community run system not controlled by any bank or government. There's no wallstreet banker getting rich by standing between you and the people you want to send and receive money from.

Bitcoin is more efficient than all competing currencies. This will drive its adoption in the same way computers were adopted, in that computers made people more efficient in competing in the marketplace. A currency has value by it being widely used. Bitcoin is a startup currency with a deflationary bootstrapping economy. Its use spreads by providing the speculator incentive.

Bitcoin is going to be the biggest opportunity for innovation that the world has seen since the industrial revolution. An idea whose time has come.

Bitcoin transactions are like cash and should be treated as such. Once they are spent, they cannot be returned.

IMT suggests using a company like CoinBase to convert dollars into Bitcoins, this will help ensure the security. It is also a good idea to set up 2 way authorization on any digital wallets.

To learn more about Bitcoin please see the following links:

What is Bitcoin? - We Use Coins

If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask.

Thank you for choosing IMT.

Disclaimer: IMT cannot be responsible for the security of your Bitcoins until you have sent them to us as payment no-more than we can be responsible for the cash in your wallet.
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PS all registered members with at least 100 post's can post the public key for their wallet and IMT will donate a $1 worth of Bitcoin to get you started.
just wanted to bump this and let everyone know BTC is now over $250 each :) As long as it keeps going up its almost a way to get a discount on your future meds :)

BTW that $250 value is double what it was when I started this thread

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Out of curiosity how is this advantageous for IMT?
Is there really a demand for bitcoin payment options?
Out of curiosity how is this advantageous for IMT?
Is there really a demand for bitcoin payment options?

Processing fees are small to nothing, a contrast to the fees a business must pay when processing a credit card or even accepting a Paypal payment. Chargebacks don't exist because, by design, they can't. Once a Bitcoin has been handed over, it's permanent. And while sales involving Bitcoins are as taxable as those made using any other currency, in practical terms there is no paper trail for these sales, which some see as advantageous.
this is advantageous to any business because the merchant fees are less and you get your money the same day. Besides the value goes up so much it is a better way to store finances and cash flow. There are many many advantages, this is why IMT will lower its prices if you pay in BTC.

BTC can be sent anywhere in the world in 30- 60 minutes and you can send millions for less than 3 dollars. It is also irreversible.

For the consumer paying it is anonymous like cash and you do not have to worry about someone getting your credit card number and defrauding you, it is peer 2 peer so there is no third party in control of your money and you approve each and every transaction.

These are just a few of the benefits, there are many many others. this is why it has doubled in value in the last 30 days and went up 100's of times in the last 4 years.

It is hard to imagine how we will use it in the future, like the internet was hard to imagine, I never dreamed it would be capable of what it is today.

We use Bitpay as a merchant so we will pay taxes on our BTC just like the Dollar, but there are still advantages.

Last month there was only 1 thing in the world trading with a barrel of oil, that was a BTC @ $150.............. now there is nothing trading as high as a BTC..........
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Admittedly I don't know much about bitcoins and I can't view videos here at work but I have a follow up question.
With the way bitcoins fluctuate the way they do, how does a business hedge against a rapidly fluctuating currency?
Admittedly I don't know much about bitcoins and I can't view videos here at work but I have a follow up question.
With the way bitcoins fluctuate the way they do, how does a business hedge against a rapidly fluctuating currency?

Well Bitpay guarantees the exchange rate at the time of purchase, someone could put in the USD amount and that amount of BTC will be transferred. You can get USD at the end of each day on your guaranteed rate. I personally would rather keep BTC, cause although it fluctuates in days, it always go's up overall.......... but you can always cashout daily if you don't want the risk. I have benefitted greatly from buying and holding :) Even with a trading bot that formula is hard to beat.
I don't know much about TRT haha But I know finance and economic theory, and this currency won't last very long

Edit: No disrespect intended, best of luck with the future growth of Bitcoins. But just be careful
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I don't know much about TRT haha But I know finance and economic theory, and this currency won't last very long

Edit: No disrespect intended, best of luck with the future growth of Bitcoins. But just be careful

don't worry about disrespecting me, I am doing just fine :) more all time highs today.

This reminds me of when I got into TRT, and everyone said "OMG be careful with those steroids :)"

People have been warning me about BTC and saying how its "never gonna last" since I start buying them at $75 each, they are now $275, I started buying them 2 months ago...............

I can assure you, I will keep being careful with them...........
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Forbes on BTC......

It***8217;s a big moment for Bitcoin. The digital currency has gotten an official nod from the overseer of U.S. currency in the form of a primer out of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. Senior economist François R. Velde wrote an elegant critique of the four-year-old currency, explaining its mechanics, limitations, and prospects for success, ultimately deeming it a ***8220;remarkable conceptual and technical achievement, which may well be used by existing financial institutions.***8221; If this were Economic Mean Girls, this is the part of the movie where Lindsay ***8216;Bitcoin***8217; Lohan gets friended by the popular crowd.

Velde starts out by laying out the numbers. Producing a bitcoin ***8220;at current levels of difficulty requires a machine worth about $3,000 and about a dollar***8217;s
worth of electricity per day,***8221; meaning the cost of ***8220;producing one bitcoin is about $2.50.***8221; With Bitcoins currently value at 100 times that, you can see why companies offering ***8216;mining***8217; equipment are doing such good business.

Federal Reserve Economist On Bitcoin: 'Small Phenomenon But Growing' - Forbes

Did I mention more all time highs for BTC>? We are breaking records here folks, get on the train or get left behind.......
You know these went to $800 since I talked to you guys about them right?

Did you see the senate hearings on them the last couple days? They are here to stay........

Todd <------- is usually not wrong
Think about this, if you would have bought them when I first mentioned, spent 1 thousand dollars, you would now have 5 thousand worth to spend with us, and if you hold it til new year, you would most likely be able to spend 10,000 with us.

Take it easy on all the Bitcoin investing. We don't want you to do too well and retire to some sandy beach in the Caribbean with gorgeous girls on each arm attending to your every desire.
Take it easy on all the Bitcoin investing. We don't want you to do too well and retire to some sandy beach in the Caribbean with gorgeous girls on each arm attending to your every desire.


I went all in at 100 bucks, not buying more. Have learned how to trade them to get more :)

This is history in the making and people have not realized it yet. That is why I am all over it right now, but no worries! I will always be around for my clients :)