Indian Steroid Manufacturers


New member
well i have been an avid reader of the forums for a long long time and finally have decided to starting my first cycle .. i am from bangalore,india .. and pretty much like most of the other ppl i too am confused for the sources where i can get them from in india. the standard ones like Testosterone can be bought from reputed companies over the counter but they are too costly as far as i inquired.. so do we have our own underground labs here in india which supply cheaper/vet grade stuff for the average not so filthy rich of us? it'd be so nice if those who already have experience in buying can share the infor with us.. and as far as i know sharing the info publicly would be against the forum rules so even if they are shared personally with any one of us,i can compile that information and put it live online somewhere else for others to read.. i guess most of the folks from india who hit these forums are stuck with this basic question..where??? .. .
all your help will be appreciated,
it should be cheaper in india. everything is cheaper in india. i dont know whats the deal you're getting but im sure its cheaper than the ones im buying from over the counter where i am at
That pricing is DIRT cheap, my friend. I wouldn't bother looking for cheaper if thats pharmacy grade stuff!
ha ha.. well that's how drugs are priced in india.. and we think they are costly.. there are thousands and thousands of pharmacies to chose from .. but this stuff i am talking about is the legal test E .. no the other roids like anavar or clen or dbol.. they aren't available over the counter or even manufactured by reputed companies .. so its pretty much a dark scenario when you ought to get your gear .. there's a little info among your peers in the gym and most of them would totally shun at the very thought of steroid use ,all thanks to their ignorance evne when you have so many resources online telling you how to do it the safe way
As you progress and try other compounds you'll seek out the UGL's. Until the time comes to advance to stacking run the Pharma OTC.

if you think buying human grade test( 10 amps, 250mg/ml test e) is to expensive @ $25, DON'T CYCLE

you can get some 10ml vials of test for around $20
Ya, that's ridiculously cheap for pharma grade stuff, man. I'm jealous, would kill for gear that good for that price.
I am from India too.
If You can tell me the brand name , I can tell You whether Its fake or real !!!
Trust me , Major Indian companies are using chinese Salts and labelling it as made in XYZ country !
I am from India too.
If You can tell me the brand name , I can tell You whether Its fake or real !!!
Trust me , Major Indian companies are using chinese Salts and labelling it as made in XYZ country !

Have you have any information about top gear pharma? I couldn't find any review.
Actually genuine testoviron costs , approx ****** per ampule, stuff like alpha is more or less the same, plenty of ug stuff available from many people labs in multi dose vials, should be a little confused cheaper. Where I live most pharmacies won't sell testosterone injections without a prescription, even though it's in the same category as ibuprofen, purely because it's an injection, bare in mind it is a schedule H drug and actually does require a prescription, through all pharmacies are quite lax with schedule h drugs.