info request


New member
I've been reading threads for several months and get conflicting info and I then I will do pubmed research and still get conflicting info. So, I think experience has more to do with piecing everything together. So I have questions and would hope to get some helpful responses from the collective knowledge of this group.

1. If one is doing a 200mg test (TRT) as a "base" with .25 Adex EOD but wishes to add a prohormone for lean/hard/dry gains, what would be a good option?
2. Would reduced calorie diet still be preferable when adding something like that?
3. Is the Adex sufficient to cover E2 issues or would something else need to be added (afraid to lower E too much).
4. Main goal is to gain ridiculous lean muscle/strength and endurance without gaining weight! Mainly performance enhancement like results.

Thanks in advance for your thoughtful responses.
Gaining weight will happen unless running some gh and Winstrol (winny) or shit along those lines.

If u don't want to gain any weight cut first and than hop on a cycle

Trt is a solid base and adding something like Katandrol would be a good fit. But first get that weight it going to gain on cycle off.