information first cycle


New member
hi all,

I need advice for planning my first cycle and post cycle therapy (pct).
I am 37 years old, 185 cm tall, 216 lb, 14/16% bf, 2 year of bodybuilding, I'm in bulking but my target is light recomp.
I think start with only one of inject sustanon 250 per week for 12 weeks to get an initial kick and see how my body will react. But I do not know what to do for post cycle therapy (pct) with any clomid, nolvadex or proviron to prevent high estrogen problems, or no sex drive or libido ko.
Do you think is its possible to finish the first light cycle and make sure not to have sexual problems?
I am married and could be a problem ;)

I look forward to your suggestions.

Thank you and sorry for my english.

1st thing buddy id run whatever test you choose at 500mg/wk imo, however i have read of people running 250mg a wk and making ok gains and obviosly the less you run the less suppression and sides there will be. but with 500mg it should be perfect.
I would also advise you use a single estered test and it will keep levels more stable, rather than a blend.

clomid and nolv are used in pct, dont use proviron in pct.
you may need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand to deal with the eatsrogen that aromatizes from the test your injectiong look at AI's eg adex, aromasin, letro etc.
i would run the aromasin myself at 12.5mg eod during cycle stop taking it the last week of cycle.
look into testicular protection and preventing shutdown this will stop any sexual issues with you.

best to have a good read and decide mate, you may get waway with no extra things but imo its sensible to have everything on hand and cycle well as youll gain more recover better and enjoy it more....
1st thing buddy id run whatever test you choose at 500mg/wk imo, however i have read of people running 250mg a wk and making ok gains and obviosly the less you run the less suppression and sides there will be. but with 500mg it should be perfect.
I would also advise you use a single estered test and it will keep levels more stable, rather than a blend.

clomid and nolv are used in pct, dont use proviron in pct.
you may need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand to deal with the eatsrogen that aromatizes from the test your injectiong look at AI's eg adex, aromasin, letro etc.
i would run the aromasin myself at 12.5mg eod during cycle stop taking it the last week of cycle.
look into testicular protection and preventing shutdown this will stop any sexual issues with you.

best to have a good read and decide mate, you may get waway with no extra things but imo its sensible to have everything on hand and cycle well as youll gain more recover better and enjoy it more....

Thanks for your reply ...

But i prefer the sustanon because for me it is more easily to find but which are the timing for Serm and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) ? Anyway i can search some testo e.

Thanks a lot
serm is in post cycle therapy (pct) buddy and you run the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on cycle, so for a 12 weeker....

1-12 sust 500mg (250mg on monday and thursday)
1-12 aromasin 12.5mg eod
14-18 post cycle therapy (pct) (serms etc)
Agree with nick again here, I prefer to run sust eod due to the prop in it. You will have a lot more fluctuating levels at twice a week which could lead to more sides. I would def at least have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand either adex at .25 or .5 eod or aromasin at 12.5ed. Clomid and nolva for post cycle therapy (pct). You will need to wait 3wks to begin post cycle therapy (pct) when using sust due to the longer esters in it.