Inject IGF Subq or IM? Does location of injection matter?


New member
I have been doing a lot of reading here and on other sites. I am fascinated by learning new things and now that I am on TRT I am learning about the entire new world (to me) or AAS, Peptides, etc. The problem I am finding is a lot of conflicting information! I am not taking IGF, or any HGH, but am looking to understand it better.

I know it comes as a freeze dried powder in a little bottle. You add bacteriostatic water to it to reconstitute it, being careful not to squirt the water directly onto it. Let it run down the side and swirl the bottle around, then add more water until you get the mcg/ml dosage you want. After that, store it in a dark area of your refrigerator as light and warmth are its enemies. I know there are different half-lives, depending on the type of IGF, with IGF-LR3 being about 30 hours or so. The number of times you have to inject depends on the type of IGF, with only once a day needed for IGF-LR3...

The issue is in where to inject. Most sites say subq (using an insulin needle). Others say to inject into muscle. Some say to inject into the area you are going to work (if you work legs, inject into your thighs, etc). Some say pre-workout, some say post.

What do you all say? Does subq or IM matter? Does location of injection matter? Thanks in advance!
Ok bro that was a easy question in my experience I inj local in the area I'm working out that day to get more pump, you can run this pre workout 60 mcgs and. 60 after your workout or 120 mcgs pre workout. If doesn't matter if you inj your shoulder or legs you going to get pump and powerful any way but you going to get more pump in the muscle you inj that day
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Ive ran it twice, injecting IM pwo bilaterally into the muscle i trained, and ive also injected immediately upon wakening, one shot, usually into the quad. The second of the two gave me better results, for me at least. I ran it at 100mcg ED.
Thanks guys. So does this sound correct (it is a distillation of what I have read)?

If you want to maximize gains in a specific muscle, inject directly into that muscle (IM) - ensuring you split your dose in half so you get both sides. You will see larger gains, but only in the specific muscles you inject into.
If you want to receive a general, all over body effect, inject subq and the location does not really matter. You will see smaller gains, but the gains will be over all the muscles.