Injecting delts questions


New member
I'm in my second cycle and have been injecting my glutes, I've decided I want to try a different injection site, I also heard that it helps build the muscle more aswell, so I'm going for the delts, I'm taking 500 test and 400 deca a week split into 2 injections over the week. Is it best to split them so I'm injecting both delts at the same time also someone told me its best to inject once a week if in my delts because it gives u a bit of a dead arm for a couple of days. What is the correct pin length aswell with it being a smaller muscle .Cheers
ive done 1.5" with 23g w/ 3cc's (pushing it). try hitting it square in the middle on the lower side of the delt. i use the delt all the time b/c its easy.
the above is correct ^. I prefer pinning with 23G 1 inch, if you are below 12% BF I'd recommend 1inch due to the fact that your fairly cut and the needle will slide right into the muscle without going too deep to the bone :p

Ive been doing 1ml per delt per week for a few weeks and recently tried bumping to 2... arm was pretty tingly and numb the whole next day. You might try splitting them up at first. I also find holding my elbow up and resting it on a table while i inject helps, but to each his own.