Injecting Oils and Important Info on Aspirating


The following three "quotes" were taken from the poll; "do you always aspirate".
I really think they sum up that poll, and seeing as the poll has been around for awhile and these posts were at the bottom, meaning alot of you might not see these comments, I thought a special thread was in order !!

There is some excellent information in them, I know I learned an important thing - don't pull back too hard on the plunger when aspirating. There are other points too, that could well save your life, so please have a look over these again, and if you don't do it 100% of the time, please do from now on.

Originally posted by buffdoc
It's easy to aspirate and inject one-handed in glutes and delts, aspirate with thumb nail. A little flick is all you need, if you aspirate TOO hard, the negative pressure you create can collapse the thin-walled vein around the needle tip, and no blood comes back, you inject IV.
I don't do it with B-12, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), stuff like that, but with oil-based gear?! Crazy not to. A big, viscous oil emolism has the potential to kill you. It takes about 5 seconds for that stuff to hit the pulmonary artery. Be careful, it only takes one out of 10,000, half a second is worth it.
Originally posted by not2friendly
Years ago I didn't. Then it was a kinda off and on thing. Now...everytime! Not sure how many of you guys have actually hit a vein, but if you haven't know that it sucks much ass. I felt like I had goddamn pnumonia. Lungs felt las if they had a bunch of fluid in them (couldn't imagine what TB would be like). I didn't notice anything in my head, pain wise, though. Same symptoms for a friend of mine that did it too. If you do hit a vein, a bit of advice, take a shot of whiskey or something right away. It opens up ones lungs (I am not gonna go into the physiology of it). Albuterol might work too, if it's handy, Clen would take longer to kick in and by the time it did the feeling would be gone. But either way the feeling of drowning goes away.
Originally posted by buffdoc
You're describing what I just mentioned in my previous post: a pulmonary oil embolus. You had a generalized, reactive pulmonary vasoconstriction, with an acute increase in pulmonary vascular resistance, putting a huge (but temporary) strain on the right ventricle of the heart. In someone with heart disease or a congenital defect, this could result in an AMI (heart attack). Probably experienced some secondary pulmonary edema, too (fluid in the alveoli or air sacs, hence the shortness of breath).
I hope everyone sees your post; this is nothing to fuck around with when you're injecting oils!! Aspirate, and then don't move it around while injecting.
Good stuff! I usually don't aspirate when I inject oils but after reading that I'm definitely going to now!
I have never done an inject without aspirating. I remember my third inject ever.........I pulled out a c of blood, that's all it takes to make a beleiver. :)
Please explain what the first paragraph means in the first quote that was posted, I dont get it..........

I always pull back on the plunger until a little air bubble comes into the barrel and then I inject..........

Nice post. There is never a reason not to aspirate. People that don't take the time to do it may someday end up on the news as a tragedy. Shit like that is what brings negative attention to roids.
Golden_Muscle said:
Please explain what the first paragraph means in the first quote that was posted, I dont get it..........

I always pull back on the plunger until a little air bubble comes into the barrel and then I inject..........


G_M, I've got a fair idea how to answer your question, but rather than attempting to and messing it up, I have PM'd buffdoc, so let's just wait for his reply.
Golden Muscle,
Here's the answer to your question.
2 things can happen:
1) The thin-walled vein collapses onto the needle tip from the negative pressure your aspiration creates. Imagine sucking forcefully through a very flimsy straw or other tube: it collapses from the suction, or negative pressure. Especially with smaller needles, 23 and up, the negative pressure can be very high (it's enough to bring dissolved gas out of liquid solution, which accounts for the bubbles you see when aspirating, but I'm digressing). When the vein collapses around the needle tip, it occurs instantaneously; there's no TIME for any blood to get in the needle (for SC-NTO)
2) The bevel of the needle (the oblong hole) can be up against the wall of the vein; in this case, the needle simply grabs the tissue of the vein wall by suction, and no blood gets in to flash in the barrel of the syringe.
Hope that's helpful.