Injecting When You're Already Sore

Just got my 30g 1/2 in needles in the mail so I can use those on my legs... I injected with a 27g in my right quad 3 days ago and I'm still sore, so hopefully these 30g needles help (or maybe I just hit a bad spot that time).

I'm assuming 1/2 inch will work well for the delts too, right?
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I just do once week 140mg test c. Draw with 19 gauge needle and switch to 25 gauge 5/8 needle. I don't see value in insulin type needles. Prob because I'm too impatient lol.

I do break up HCG into 2 375iu shots wk with insulin needle. HCG is quick and easy to draw and shoot vs test though.

Is it okay to add HCG into the same injection site (if they fall on the same day as my Prop/Tren) injection? I already get crazy PIP from the Prop and Tren so I'd imagine that the additional 1cc won't do me any favors.
I just do once week 140mg test c. Draw with 19 gauge needle and switch to 25 gauge 5/8 needle. I don't see value in insulin type needles. Prob because I'm too impatient lol.

I do break up HCG into 2 375iu shots wk with insulin needle. HCG is quick and easy to draw and shoot vs test though.

Is it okay to add HCG into the same injection site (if they fall on the same day as my Prop/Tren) injection? I already get crazy PIP from the Prop and Tren so I'd imagine that the additional 1cc won't do me any favors.
Is it okay to add HCG into the same injection site (if they fall on the same day as my Prop/Tren) injection? I already get crazy PIP from the Prop and Tren so I'd imagine that the additional 1cc won't do me any favors.

HCG is usually injected subcutaneously. Most guys inject into their stomach like you would an insulin shot.
Is it okay to add HCG into the same injection site (if they fall on the same day as my Prop/Tren) injection? I already get crazy PIP from the Prop and Tren so I'd imagine that the additional 1cc won't do me any favors.

I inject Test into muscle and HCG into fat (subQ). So no I don't personally mix the two and shoot em in one injection. It doesn't take long to do both shots so I don't feel like it is a pain the the arse (no pun) to separate em out.
I've got a 5 gallon head but I tried to cram 10 pounds of shit in it. I could blame my forgetfulness on my age but, I'd prefer yall to think of me as "stupid" in stead of old.
HCG is usually injected subcutaneously. Most guys inject into their stomach like you would an insulin shot.

However, to answer his CAN inject HCG IM. You draw or backload into your syringe with your other oils and inject IM like any other day.
Just make sure the extra volume isn't too much for your muscles too handle, though you'll prob be alright
I would not inject into an area I was already sore, you are risking getting a sterile abscess when you do that.
However, to answer his CAN inject HCG IM. You draw or backload into your syringe with your other oils and inject IM like any other day.
Just make sure the extra volume isn't too much for your muscles too handle, though you'll prob be alright

Yes you def can inject it IM, it just doesn't make much sense since sub c is far less intrusive.
This has been an interesting thread to see the varied approaches, and 3J, raising the point of scar tissue build up was introspective. I pin oil: 1.5"/23g in glutes, 1"/25g in calves/quads, and 5/8"/25g in delts. I pin water no larger than 1"/25g.

3J <> I have read "deep IM injections" are suggested for T injections. You obviously feel your choice of 5/8" pin is adequate; do you have any particular thoughts toward the "deep IM" premise?