Mad- scientist
Sweet! lol I came back to my question answered
...... I appreciate it man. Im putting this thread in my favorites so ill never forget any of the tips. The traps for injecting that sounds very tempting I am genetically gifted in the traps department lol. I do fear getting close to my neck though and going paralyzed. All I have ever pinned are glutes and quads. I actually enjoyed doing quads because it was pretty damn brutal and gave me kind of a rush. lol I bet your going to laugh at me saying brutal since it sounds like you pinned calfs before. Next time I cycle I will try delts and possibly triceps.
Damn if I ever wana be mr Olympia I better get use to pinning between my toes to!
I was watching a video of a pro bodybuilder giving advice about Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) that contradicted yours and I thought to myself you know I believe austenite more than the pro bodybuilder. He was advising blasting 5000 iu's at the end of a cycle for a few days in a row. And I remembered your metaphor about the car with no breaks and not waiting to put your seat belt on. Your metaphor made a lot of sense to me. And the science behind it all.

Damn if I ever wana be mr Olympia I better get use to pinning between my toes to!