Injection site issues with shoulders


New member
Hey guys, my first post. Long time troll but figured I'd join since I have a legit problem now. I've used juice before. I've been off the stuff for over a year due to just being a lazy slob and not working out. I've been back in the game for about 2 months now, been hella consistent with my workouts and nutrition. That being said I'm being faced with a new problem that I've never had before.

I typically inject in my shoulders. I rotate shoudlers and do about two injections a week. I prefer to use testosterone propionate, sustanon, and tren or a tren mix. I started using my shoulders after my first cycle. On my first cycle I was using my butt and got really bad welts/sores and the oil would leak out a lot after an injection. I feel it is because I have a ghetto man booty and have a large fat cap on my butt cheeks. So even a 1.5 inch needle/21 to 23 gauge would have a hard time reaching muscle in my ass. Please keep in mind I'm fairly lean, I just store fat in weird places. So I eventually switched to shoulders. Never tried quads just out of fear. I do a lot of cardio and don't want an injection soreness screwing up my cardio, MMA, etc. My shoulders have worked for me really well on my last two cycles. I have large shoulders with minimal fat so a 1.5 inch needle in them is perfect for me. Never had any issues, a few times I accidentally hit a nerve but nothing major. And yes I hit legs hella hard lol so my ass fat isn't me skipping leg day or is just me.

Now on this current cycle...yeah not so much success with the shoulders. Hella painful. Like super super painful. Not after the initial injection but the next day and the day after that. It's to the point where I can barely move my arm, which makes upper body workouts impossible. At first I thought maybe it was infection and I have antibiotics. The antibiotics don't change the pain or inflammation after injection or soreness. I am pretty much using the same gear as I was before. I am trying a new brand, but again, the massive pain is coming from the same brands I've used consistently for years as well so IDK. The pain has been so bad at points where I almost went to the ER. Felt like someone stabbed me in the shoulders with a knife and left that bitch there.

Like I said, I know how to inject properly. I swab down the vial before putting the 18 gauge in, switch the 18 gauge to a 21 gauge, swab down my shoulders before injecting, and swab down after wards. I also make sure there are no air bubbles and that i aspirate.

Has anyone else experienced this? I realllllyyyyy don't want to go back to injecting into my butt and I'm a total puss about doing my quads for reasons above, unless someone can give me solid advice. I could really use help on this issue. I typically use Endurexx but have recently started using Sarcoplex too. Just listing the brands in case other people have had funky reactions.

Advice, input, etc. would be appreciated. Thank you.
Hey Pajool, welcome to the forum.
I pin my quads all the time and very rarely does it bother me. I too run a lot and do not want pain slowing me down. I suggest the 25 gauge as it is finer, I use the brand "BD precisionGlide" needle. It's a luer lock 1.5 inch.

You prob know this but really really take your time injecting. Take up to a minute to be sure and make sure there is no air in the needle. I find quads so easy. I'm afraid the try shoulders, but I will have to someday
What part of your shoulder are you injecting?

I usually do the large cap area and in the middle (sorry my anatomy isn't the best and I don't recall the name. I know that sounds like a newb answer but I know the location and where to inject just not very good with big ass words for body parts). I find that area is usually the least painful and easiest to inject. There is also the least amount of fat in that areas so the needle goes in easily and hits muscle immediately. I reviewed many many websites, videos, etc. before picking spots on my shoulder to inject. Not saying I'm a pro but I've done my research to at least be an educated novice. Now here and there I will pin to the side of that larger mid cap due to soreness. I prefer not to do that but have done so recently out of necessity since the middle of my shoulder would be swollen beyond belief. I find that when I pin on the side that I'm more prone to hitting nerves or a blood vessel and or the soreness will spread more. IE it will spread to my upper back, inner chest, biceps, triceps, etc. I know that sounds like an infection but believe me it's not (as stated previously, antibiotics, I see my doctor frequently, etc). It's just a hella weird site injection reaction that I'm not used to and absolutely hate.

And TooTuff, I hear ya man. :( I'm prob gonna have to switch soon too cause there is no point in taking juice if it is negatively affecting your quality of life, putting you in pain, and making you miss workouts. Mind me asking what sites you switched to after giving up on the shoulders?

And oldmusclemike, I really appreciate your input or anyone's. I've used this gear before and have had no issues. I'm also using a new gear as well. The problem arises regardless of what gear I use or what compound I'm injecting.

I am curious to see if anyone has had this dilemma before? Perhaps I've used my shoulders too much and there is scar tissue or something? I just really don't want to go back to my ass lol. I have a desk job and sitting on a large ass knot all day isn't comfortable.
Hey Pajool, welcome to the forum.
I pin my quads all the time and very rarely does it bother me. I too run a lot and do not want pain slowing me down. I suggest the 25 gauge as it is finer, I use the brand "BD precisionGlide" needle. It's a luer lock 1.5 inch.

You prob know this but really really take your time injecting. Take up to a minute to be sure and make sure there is no air in the needle. I find quads so easy. I'm afraid the try shoulders, but I will have to someday

I do take my time. I inject only a portion of the ml every 30 seconds or so. I also leave the needle in for about 30 seconds to a minute after injecting. My current needles are a 23 gauge I believe with a luer lock. Same brand as you mentioned. The needles are absolutely fine, they go thru with no issue. No pain whatsoever from the needle or even the injection itself. It's the pain afterwards that is new to me. I've had lumps and bumps and sores before but nothing to this degree where I can't move that body part. Like last night and the night before I couldn't sleep because my left shoulder was in so much pain. Constant throbbing sharp pain. It's subsided now but still It's hella bad and not something I look forward to anymore. I used to love injecting in my shoulders now I'm kind of scared.
Hey Pajool, welcome to the forum.
I pin my quads all the time and very rarely does it bother me. I too run a lot and do not want pain slowing me down. I suggest the 25 gauge as it is finer, I use the brand "BD precisionGlide" needle. It's a luer lock 1.5 inch.

You prob know this but really really take your time injecting. Take up to a minute to be sure and make sure there is no air in the needle. I find quads so easy. I'm afraid the try shoulders, but I will have to someday

And I missed your quad part lol. I think that is my next area I will try for sure. I'm not injecting tonight or tomorrow. Going to give it a 3 day break or so. My next injection will be Thursday. I will try the quads since I"m out of options but would really appreciate any advice to make that transition less worrisome. I'm OCD I hate change lol.
Quads are so easy. You can easily view the whole upper leg. You can take your time and decide where you want to inject. You do not have to contort yourself to get the needle in. And the quad is a good sized muscle. I would suggest using all your 23G and then switch to 25G. Why cause more scarring than you have to? Make it as easy on yourself as possible. :)

Careful not to move the leg at all and try not to move your upper body any more than you have to, once you penetrate the skin. Piece of cake, man :-)
Same site, huge gauge needle, multiple compound blend, and a 1.5" all in those poor little delts.

I'd be angry and hurt too! :wiggle:

Rotate sites, drop to a 1", and switch to a 25g. Your delts will thank you. :)
I agree with halfwit on everything he said. I'm also curious whats the most times you pinned your shoulders in a week during a cycle? I'm just trying to figure out if you pinned them a excessive amount of times.
I agree with halfwit on everything he said. I'm also curious whats the most times you pinned your shoulders in a week during a cycle? I'm just trying to figure out if you pinned them a excessive amount of times.

Most I've done is two to three. On my current cycle I've only done two a week and no more than 1 to 1.25 ml.

I use a 1.5 inch because anything smaller and I find the oil leaks out more frequently. I currently use a 23 gauge so I'll surely try a 25 gauge. And again, my shoulders are pretty large so it's not like the needle hits bone or anything.

I think I will try my quads first before going back to my shoulders for awhile. I don't want to be in pain for two to three days and not be able to train upper body.

Hopefully my next injection goes better. I plan on doing my next one either tonight or tomorrow.

Thanks for all the help. Now alas and sigh.... work -_-