Injection site redness and soreness


New member
Hello guys!

I've started my first cycle after lifting for about 2 and a half years.

I started with 2ml of test in 1ml shots on mon and thur for the 1st two weeks, after those 2 weeks went by i upped the level to 4ml a week in 2ml shots. into the 4th week have added 1ml of deca totaling 6ml a week over 2 x 3ml shots.

I had the first 3ml shot last thur without any complications, but i since my last shot on sunday (had to do it then due to work reasons) i have had some severe pain in my glute (i only ever inject in the glute swapping cheeks for each injection) from the injection and today i noticed it was quite warm and had started to develop a red ring near the site. I'm currently using 18g to draw and a 1 1/4 23g to shoot. I'm fairly lean so i don't know if that counts ive been told a should use a 1 1/2 to shoot but i could only get my hands on 1 1/4.

I felt as if today I was getting sick and had the feelings of fever. Not sure if this is in my head or if I really am getting sick. I know fever is the first sign of infection so i'm starting to worry I've seen pictures of abyss's and i'd rather not let it get to that stage.

I'm very careful when it comes to injection making sure I swab both the tops of the vials and injection site with alcohol swaps and applying a second swab to the site after injection.

I don't know if I should be worried, or maybe its a case I'm simply injection too much in one hit or maybe the deca is reacting to me. Any information or tips would be greatly helpful. Thanks!
You didn't give the 2 ml's per week time to work.

So when the first dose starts to really kick you'll be waiting that much longer for the 2nd dose to work and adding Deca late in you cycle?

WTF Bro?

Most likely virgin muscle taking too much oil and you'll be fine.

I'll remind guys, this is why the Vets all say: run a lower dose test only cycle first time.
what does the injection site looks like today?

The site being warm does NOT necessarily mean infection although it can be. Local temp increase is part of the healing process thru inflammation. its normal to be warm locally, when you cut yourself, or inject yourself.

But how is the injection site looking today, which is about 48 hrs post right?
Trust, it looks like a red blotch around the area of injection, just woke up (Live in Australia) thanks for the fast replies guys! feels a bit better today, not as much pain...still a bit of hard lump in the general area. I drew a circle around the red blotch with a nico pen and it hasn't increased overnight. It will be approaching 72 hours by the end of today (Wed).

Crazyfmike what do you mean I will be waiting longer for the second dose I don't understand, its test enth from what I've researched you need to load up on it, I could be wrong I'm very new to this but I have done a bit of research.(But that means nothing against real world experience, hence why I'm posting here)
I started the deca (Nandrolone Deconate) at the end of the 3rd week ( I wanted to start at the start of the 3rd but I couldn't get my hands on it.) I was told that you should start the deca 2 weeks after test and stop 2 weeks before test is this right?

The reason I'm taking the deca and test is a friend of mine took it and over a 12 week cycle he put on about 12kg of lean mass..didn't look puffy, looked lean and still had a nice physique (didn't have unusally big parts it all looked in proportion. And that is how he took it. It was his first cycle too) Do you think I should inject what im doing at the moment or should i drop down to 2ml of test and only 1 injection of deca a week? I don't know guys...I'm just following his footsteps but I could be wrong he doesn't seem to know all that much he didn't even know what a pct was! (I've already got my liquid tamox, which is nolvadex in liquid form im pretty sure)

I'm honestly not sure, I could be wasting the test but I was told you need to run a 2 : 1 ratio with test and deca. Any advice on what I've said here would be great.... I'm quite aware I know very little when it comes to this and I always see good advice and tips on this forum.
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Or should I stick with 1ml of Deca and keep up with the 4ml of test a week?

1ST Stack? drop the deca and go with the test, I had a fella in my gym go test prop and stanazol first up for a 2ml EOD inject protocol and had big issues with redness swelling and general soreness of injection sites particularly to his quadriceps. However when he dropped the winny/stanazol he ran the 1ml EOD of his tepro Hormone his dramas dropped infinetly with regard to site soreness.
Brother when your pinning in new area its sometimes painful!! I tried my quads for 6 weeks then said FUCK THE QUADS!! not for me.
This is a bit much for your first cycle too bro. Just stick to 2mls of test for 12 weeks. Plus 2 1/2 years of training is not as much as u think it is. Just take ur time and Do it right. There r no short cuts to putting on good muscle.
I did my first 3 shots in glutes and all swell up and sore as shit ....did quads and besides slight virgin muscle soreness they have been great and will stick to them
Dude, you need to drop the deca and only use 2ml/wk test e assuming the test is 250/ml ( theres test now at 500/ml) and thats it. Do that and eat right, which is the best aas there is and you'll be very happy with the outcome. Soreness is more than likely the 20cc's LOL per pin you're pumping into virgin muscle