New member
Hello guys!
I've started my first cycle after lifting for about 2 and a half years.
I started with 2ml of test in 1ml shots on mon and thur for the 1st two weeks, after those 2 weeks went by i upped the level to 4ml a week in 2ml shots. into the 4th week have added 1ml of deca totaling 6ml a week over 2 x 3ml shots.
I had the first 3ml shot last thur without any complications, but i since my last shot on sunday (had to do it then due to work reasons) i have had some severe pain in my glute (i only ever inject in the glute swapping cheeks for each injection) from the injection and today i noticed it was quite warm and had started to develop a red ring near the site. I'm currently using 18g to draw and a 1 1/4 23g to shoot. I'm fairly lean so i don't know if that counts ive been told a should use a 1 1/2 to shoot but i could only get my hands on 1 1/4.
I felt as if today I was getting sick and had the feelings of fever. Not sure if this is in my head or if I really am getting sick. I know fever is the first sign of infection so i'm starting to worry I've seen pictures of abyss's and i'd rather not let it get to that stage.
I'm very careful when it comes to injection making sure I swab both the tops of the vials and injection site with alcohol swaps and applying a second swab to the site after injection.
I don't know if I should be worried, or maybe its a case I'm simply injection too much in one hit or maybe the deca is reacting to me. Any information or tips would be greatly helpful. Thanks!
I've started my first cycle after lifting for about 2 and a half years.
I started with 2ml of test in 1ml shots on mon and thur for the 1st two weeks, after those 2 weeks went by i upped the level to 4ml a week in 2ml shots. into the 4th week have added 1ml of deca totaling 6ml a week over 2 x 3ml shots.
I had the first 3ml shot last thur without any complications, but i since my last shot on sunday (had to do it then due to work reasons) i have had some severe pain in my glute (i only ever inject in the glute swapping cheeks for each injection) from the injection and today i noticed it was quite warm and had started to develop a red ring near the site. I'm currently using 18g to draw and a 1 1/4 23g to shoot. I'm fairly lean so i don't know if that counts ive been told a should use a 1 1/2 to shoot but i could only get my hands on 1 1/4.
I felt as if today I was getting sick and had the feelings of fever. Not sure if this is in my head or if I really am getting sick. I know fever is the first sign of infection so i'm starting to worry I've seen pictures of abyss's and i'd rather not let it get to that stage.
I'm very careful when it comes to injection making sure I swab both the tops of the vials and injection site with alcohol swaps and applying a second swab to the site after injection.
I don't know if I should be worried, or maybe its a case I'm simply injection too much in one hit or maybe the deca is reacting to me. Any information or tips would be greatly helpful. Thanks!