Injury and recovery lots off questions????????


New member
I am 43 height 6ft 3" 220lbs, ihave been involved in 2 caraccidents and have disc bulges at L3,4,5 with anular tear in 5 also 2/3 tear right rotator cuff and 1/3 tear left rotator cuff I am out of shape due to injury for 4 years now and have tried all medical proceedures othe than surgery to aid recovery to no avail. I now stand before you wanting to know where to go and what to take to help put my body back into some sort of physical shape which I can feel good about myself again. There are so many different products out there can someone point me in the right direction. To top this of my labido has dropped due to my general feeling of self worth being at an all time low I used to train 4-5 days aweek prior to the accident not to get huge but I liked to feel healthy and look healthy I figured god give me this body its my job to look after it. I need help I on anti depresssants and feel crap I have kids who used to have a dad that could and would do anything with them now I feel like a failure.What do I take how much and for how long I want to turn my life arround!!! If you can help please send me what ever you can.

Kind Rgards Hourican 60