Injury during cycle question


New member
Ok, I'll get to my question in a minute, but I know you'll ask for the background, so I'll just get it out there.
I'm 47, this is my first ever cycle. I've done some PH a couple of times w/good results in the past.
I weigh 172 going in, with about 20 years of hard lifting behind me. I like to keep my bodyfat between 9-11, & was about 11ish going into the cycle. My diet is pretty clean, & as I mentioned, I've been doing this a while.
Prior to my cycle, I injured my leg pretty, cut some tendons & stuff. I waited 6 weeks after the injury prior to starting my cycle-unable to squat, but eager to get going. I knew I could focus on blasting upper body for 3-4 weeks before getting my legs re-involved.
Well, I'm 3 weeks into the cycle, (enth & hcg), & still probably 2 weeks from being able to start training legs. I seem to have injured my shoulder benching yesterday. I'm not sure if it's a tear or what yet, but it's pretty painful.
Here's the question, should I continue the cycle, abandon altogether, or another option?
Any input or previous experiences would be appreciated.
Ok, I'll get to my question in a minute, but I know you'll ask for the background, so I'll just get it out there.
I'm 47, this is my first ever cycle. I've done some PH a couple of times w/good results in the past.
I weigh 172 going in, with about 20 years of hard lifting behind me. I like to keep my bodyfat between 9-11, & was about 11ish going into the cycle. My diet is pretty clean, & as I mentioned, I've been doing this a while.
Prior to my cycle, I injured my leg pretty, cut some tendons & stuff. I waited 6 weeks after the injury prior to starting my cycle-unable to squat, but eager to get going. I knew I could focus on blasting upper body for 3-4 weeks before getting my legs re-involved.
Well, I'm 3 weeks into the cycle, (enth & hcg), & still probably 2 weeks from being able to start training legs. I seem to have injured my shoulder benching yesterday. I'm not sure if it's a tear or what yet, but it's pretty painful.
Here's the question, should I continue the cycle, abandon altogether, or another option?
Any input or previous experiences would be appreciated.

Shit dude. This does not sound good, but are you sure it is not normal soreness? If it is not I would say to quit the cycle and start pct right now. At 47 a full recovery with pct good pct is possible but you may have to cruise if you do not recover. Hell if I was at your age I would be eager to blast and cruise lol. If the pain is too great then you should cut it short and consult with a physician about your shoulder and leg. Don't mention the gear. Get your test levels checked later on and you may be able to get prescription test if you do not fully recover from your pct.
I would give it a few days to a week on cycle, but resting to see how you feel IMO, before calling it quits

Yes, of course. Make sure it is not soreness first. I would say one week at most to wait would be fine since you don't want to waste your whole cycle trying to recover from an injury.
Ha, I wish it were soreness, unfortunately, it's not.
I see the Ortho doc a week from today for my previous injury anyway. I know exactly what he'll say on the shoulder, "I can give you a cortisone injection, or we can get an MRI."
I was just thinking, if I continue w/cycle, you think it will do any good at all?

It's been quite comical actually, I dicked up the math & injected 3x the test the first 2 injections before I figured it out. I was wondering why my ass was so sore from the injection. (good thing I'm not a heroin user, I'd probably be dead)
I had to buy some OC test sups, so the wife would quit asking what the fuck was wrong w/me. I started pinning her after the first week, now we're up to a couple of times a day, & she was getting quite suspicious. :)
Now this bullshit with the shoulder...fuck.
Thanks for the comments, not familiar w/TB500, but I'm scoping it out now.
Now please correct me if km wrong here but at his age wouldnt hgh be the better rehab? Or perhaps stack with this tb500?
Now please correct me if km wrong here but at his age wouldnt hgh be the better rehab? Or perhaps stack with this tb500?

That's what I'd do. It's just that TB500 is easier and cheaper to get a hold of.

OP: We both know it was a mistake to hop on a cycle while still recovering from an injury. I'd stay on a maintenance dose (PCT now would suck) and let your body heal. AAS works wonders for muscle tissue, but isn't something joints/connective tissues take kindly to.

My .02c :)
Or leave your pride at the gym door.. Train like a little girl doing 15 lb dumbbell curls. Lift whatever the skinny girl in front you that just did squats lifted.
Im serious, I've had multiple surgeries and injuries. If I leave my pride at the door and lift for my own health and benefit, and not to what I think others around me think I should be lifting, I feel great and can work though injuries. Sure throwing 6 plates for bench press looks good, but dealing with stress and injury just throw up a half a plate on each side and work on form and pump and help get easy blood flow to muscles and even injury site, .. Lift super super light, to the point you'd be embarrassed, but get your pump in. You'll be able to work through injury. But let your ego creep in at the gym, you'll just irritate it
Or leave your pride at the gym door.. Train like a little girl doing 15 lb dumbbell curls. Lift whatever the skinny girl in front you that just did squats lifted.
Im serious, I've had multiple surgeries and injuries. If I leave my pride at the door and lift for my own health and benefit, and not to what I think others around me think I should be lifting, I feel great and can work though injuries. Sure throwing 6 plates for bench press looks good, but dealing with stress and injury just throw up a half a plate on each side and work on form and pump and help get easy blood flow to muscles and even injury site, .. Lift super super light, to the point you'd be embarrassed, but get your pump in. You'll be able to work through injury. But let your ego creep in at the gym, you'll just irritate it

I gotta say I like this approach myself. I am not by any means putting myself out there as an accomplished bodybuilder or fitness model, but I am working towards my own goals and getting closer to them every day. I tore my calf in November and didn't start walking on it again until mid December. I lifted every week after the initial rest period. Kept my leg isolated and avoided aggravating it. When it came time for rehabbing it, it was slow as hell, and it was easy to look at my squat rack and laugh at the weight on it, but I knew that to get back to my goals, I'd have to start somewhere. Two months later I'm running again and up to 5 miles on my long days my gym weights have slowly crept back up, but I'm not pushing near the weight in one rep as I was before. Volume training has replaced that for now. As far as the anabolics, I'm only on a TRT dose, but can't imagine healing so well at my age without it. Perhaps lowering your dosage to cruise through the recovery period would be a good approach?
Or leave your pride at the gym door.. Train like a little girl doing 15 lb dumbbell curls. Lift whatever the skinny girl in front you that just did squats lifted.
Im serious, I've had multiple surgeries and injuries. If I leave my pride at the door and lift for my own health and benefit, and not to what I think others around me think I should be lifting, I feel great and can work though injuries. Sure throwing 6 plates for bench press looks good, but dealing with stress and injury just throw up a half a plate on each side and work on form and pump and help get easy blood flow to muscles and even injury site, .. Lift super super light, to the point you'd be embarrassed, but get your pump in. You'll be able to work through injury. But let your ego creep in at the gym, you'll just irritate it

Yeah, funny--since I've been recovering from the other injury, all of my workouts have been just as you describe. That chest day was the first time I've stacked on any serious weight in about a year.
Well, FWIW, I did a light back workout today & it didn't bother the shoulder. I didn't get any visible bruising, so that's a good sign. I did order a buttload of TB500, & I'll see what Ortho says next week, maybe even end up w/cortisone shot, & the TB. I guess I'll continue on the cycle, at least for now. It seems to be keeping the wife hiding from me. ;)
On a side note, she commented the other day, "I don't know what you've been taking, but I like it. You are in a better mood, & SOOO even-keeled...aside from all of your trying to get laid, I like it."
I would stick with it and try to train around it. TB500 is good and also BPC 157. I healed a minor bicep tear using this in a couple weeks time.
NEWSFLASH you don't have to move huge weights to grow. You would be much better off using higher rep ranges which would make you grow faster than low rep and high weight sets. Time under tension principle and reps. Would you believe me if I told you you don't have to bench to grow your chest and shoulders? Flat bench is the culprit of most shoulder and pec injuries. Performed with perfect form its nearly impossible to hurt yourself but 99% of people don't know and never took the time to learn.

I am also getting up there at 42 yrs and I still go heavy but most times I am all about reps. I have been able to gain and greatly imporve the quality of the mass I have using high reps. I hope it works out for you. But even if yu have to stop training that arm altogether I would still take a trt dose of test. No need to try to PCT at our age. Whats the point. I don't know about you but my baby making days are over:)
You just gotta do what you can and work through it, be smart about.

I'm actually feeling great right now lifting like a girl (no offense to girls, a lot of you bad ass chicks could whoop my ass).. I'm working out with the wife and I'm seriously doing some of the same weight she is doing, for example cable flies, she'd usually do like 70 lbs, and I'd usually do the whole stack, but now after a few sets I'll just do whatever weight she is doing,, but I will flex and contract and squeeze the muscle the entire time for high reps.
Sure it's lifting super super light , but I'm getting a good pump and good flow to the muscles and my joints and past injuries are not bothering me at all right now. Now hopefully I can keep leaving my pride at the door of the gym and lift light when this deca starts really kicking in 6 weeks from now
have u seen a dr about this? get a mri done to see whats going on ..U can do a cycle anytime u want but u only got one body so be smart..Go see a dr right away
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