Injury in front delt can it be from low estrogen levels?


New member
Today did a warm up for my shoulders as usual before my workout
Went to the military press 10kg each side for warm up was very easy
After the second rep had a pain in my front delt
My second set couldnt do it.. Again the weight was very eazy but i felt a pain..
Im on dbol 50mg ed
Test 650mg ew
(start the cycle 6 days ago)
Took 2.5mg of 100% legit medical one arimidex
I split it in doses 0.5 mg one time second 1mg and then 1 mg again
Can it be that it caused because low estrogen levels from my arimidex?

I have a pain till now in my front delt..
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Hard to say what the cause of an injury is. It could be numerous things. But, that is a ridiculous amount of Adex!!! Way too much. Did you take all 2.5mg in one day?
e2 is a necessary thing for sex drive, joint lube, stable mind set. Nuking it will dry ..CAN I should sy connective tissue s and joints. The shoulder is arguably the most complicated one in the body if you look at range of motion and all the various muscles that are stim. to achieve the ranges aforementioned.

I m an old lady to some fuckers around here but I ll take a little bloat and a little water as my joints hurt on a good day. ANYTHING that is liable to dry me out like winny or to much of an ai s is immediately felt....knee s elbows and SHOULDERS.

Answer the q s comprehensively and justify them as MAY have hurt yourself by drying a joint needing lube. U may have had an off day. may have slept wrong.....

If it s hurt..leave it alone. If it s hurt bad in a week with NO improvement go see a doc. I live in great pain EVERYDAY and roll with it so I never know with today s lifters if they are really hurt or just discomforted...does it feel better after you eat your cheesy puff s ? If so..your OK...

Time will tell
first of all thanks alot for the help!

yes this is what im asking if it dry me up too much that i get hurt.. i did perfect form i mean.. its warm up too very light 15-20 reps..
and it still hurt today not like yestrday but still hurts..

i didnt take 2.5mg once i split it in 3 days the week..

it too much to take that dose?! 0.5MG X3 a week will be fine?
i asked before in the forum here and ppl told me its fine with that dose of DBOL
can someone tell me please if 1mg X3 of real arimdiex is to much for 50mg of dbol and 650mg of test [im on the first week]?

and if ut could be that i droped my estrogen to low from the first week of 1Mg of arimdiex X3 a week? and get injury
Your gonna need bloodwork bud. It seems to be an excessive amount for your first week but how do we know without bloodwork?
can someone tell me please if 1mg X3 of real arimdiex is to much for 50mg of dbol and 650mg of test [im on the first week]?

and if ut could be that i droped my estrogen to low from the first week of 1Mg of arimdiex X3 a week? and get injury

Ya impossoble to know if youve crashed E2 without bloodwork. Its a speculation. But I highly doubt low E2 caused your injury. Injuries usually happen to a muscle or joint that has previously been irritated thereforr making it weaker, lifting too heavy, and using improper form and not moving in the way you were meant to.

As for 1mg 3x week. My educated guess is that its too much. Go get checked and actually know if its too much and adjust based on what your bloodwork results show.
We take ai s to keep the numbers on our blood-work within range or acceptable deviations from the "norm". A nd this is both safe and smart and I do not want to minimize these 2 very important approaches.

In time WE learn what deviations we can live with as in how we feel how we look and how that I mean mentally, sexually , in social situations etc. I do trt with NO AI s ever..but do not recommend it. When I cheat and cruise or do one of my big lol I enjoy a little bloat...I drink more water and sweat like a bitch. At 650 test plus 50 d bol your aromatizing estro like a mo-fo for sure and to much water CAN raise blood pressure , can skew your personality and sex life usually after a spike.

I know when my "cycle" is on and kicking my bp will rise, my cheeks will bounce on certain speed bumps lol and I get real smooth...I COULD take an ai but as these sides are both known and acceptable to ME. The moral---you ll know what is and what is not acceptable to you.
Ur shoulder ? I tore mine BADLY due to a lame spotter who made me correct the range of motion on nose breakers with my delt as he was staring at some tail as I was going to failure...shit happens.
Let it heal...start low with your ai and work up and see where your numbers are with verifiable data-blood panel.
Never heard of adex dosed at 2.5 mg. Did your dealer give you letro instead. 2.5mg of adex is a crazy dose and I think that 1.5 mg a week is plenty for someone running around 500-750mg of test a week. I get painful shoulder pumps when on cycle. You probably don't want to hear this again but get bloods done.