INMUNOLAB ULTRA TC 250 (Testosterone Cypionate)(2 cys at onces)


****************Update WEEK 5 - On Ultra TC250***************************

Friend is on 5th shot - started to have slight breakout on his back and arms but went away after a few days.

as for myself I'm on week 2 shot of this gear to early to say if gear is working or not..

Originally Posted by planedrs
****************Update WEEK 4 - On Ultra TC250***************************

Ok everyone I just started my Cycle on this gear and took first shot lastnight, shot didn't hurt but woke up with a little soreness. anyhow buddy is on his 4th shoot at 500mg intake says he's feeling the kick and have good gains wakes up with a pump and having good work outs...

I will say that Ultra TC 250 is more oily than the first test 200 I took, I think its due to that was a human grade verus this being for animal grade.

The Ultra TC250 does not smell and goes in smoothly with a 21 gauge needle.

Batch numbers on box:

Lot No.103107
Fecha de caducidad: DIC/11


Testosterona cypionato 250mg
Alcohol bencilico 0.1ml
Vehiculo c.b.p 1ml

Product Address:

Hecho en Mexico Por:
Insurgentes Sur No. 1168 Int. 201
del valle, Benito Juarez.
Mexico, D.F. CP 03100

This is the gear that friend and I are currently on and so far from what friend is saying this a legit gear. that doesn't smell and has a kick...

will Update with WEEK 5 for friend and Week 2 for me.. if anyone else has experience with this product please post...


Originally Posted by planedrs
****************update WEEK 2 - On Ultra TC250******************************

Friend Is On His 2nd Shoot- Feels Great On It And Getting Lots Of Wood, Also Stated That He Feels Pump All The Time... AND GETTING STRONGER!!!

additionally said it goes in real smooth with a 21 gauge needle. no bump/ golf ball bruises to worry about...

Schedule To Take His 3rd Shoot Of 500mg/2cc This Weekend.

As I Promised Before I Will Update With Weekly Results.

Also Great That 68 Yr Thinks Is Great, Is There Anyone Else From The Age Of 25-38yr Range... If So Please Post Your Results...

Side Note: Is clomid Required On A Cy Of 20ml? - Please Advise

Hope this information help someone out...Thanks!

****************update WEEK 1 - On Ultra TC250******************************

my friend just started a cycle... taking 500 mg/2cc... I will begin once I finish my first

unlike other here who say they will post I will follow up in the weeks to come... Friend stated that he felt good on his 1st shot and it didn't burn going in... will see as the weeks go on...

if anyone else has done the Ultra TC 250 PLEASE post some information, we all need to help one another....

So freakin' weird: I bought the same shit in TJ myself...shot it and felt nothing..and it had that vet clinic smell to it...I mean the stuff lingered and made my box of goodies smell every time I opened it...goes to show you how inconsistent mex could be-I for one like mex stuff-find the good stuff and stick to it..whether mex or not.
bro i tried the ultra tc and it was great! i had that and some quality gear lab cyp and i found the inmuno lab was better... i kind of like the smell... just picked up a bottel of the test 350 test e... and this batch doesnt smell . wierd.... goodluck bro
Thanks for the input, it well appreciated... I like how I feel on it too... not breaking out either...Thanks again....

bro i tried the ultra tc and it was great! i had that and some quality gear lab cyp and i found the inmuno lab was better... i kind of like the smell... just picked up a bottel of the test 350 test e... and this batch doesnt smell . wierd.... goodluck bro
****************Update WEEK 6 - On Ultra TC250***********************************

Friend is on 6th shot - feels great and having wonderful gains and no longer breaking out... and will be lowering dosage to 1cc next week...

As for me: on Week 3 shot feeling a strong kick and have a pump in the morning... no break outs! having lots of morning wood and lady is lovin it... have 2 more shots at 1cc and cycle will be done.

anyine with inout on this product please post results..Thanks~

****************Update WEEK 5 - On Ultra TC250***************************

Friend is on 5th shot - started to have slight breakout on his back and arms but went away after a few days.

as for myself I'm on week 2 shot of this gear to early to say if gear is working or not..

Originally Posted by planedrs
****************Update WEEK 4 - On Ultra TC250***************************

Ok everyone I just started my Cycle on this gear and took first shot lastnight, shot didn't hurt but woke up with a little soreness. anyhow buddy is on his 4th shoot at 500mg intake says he's feeling the kick and have good gains wakes up with a pump and having good work outs...

I will say that Ultra TC 250 is more oily than the first test 200 I took, I think its due to that was a human grade verus this being for animal grade.

The Ultra TC250 does not smell and goes in smoothly with a 21 gauge needle.

Batch numbers on box:

Lot No.103107
Fecha de caducidad: DIC/11


Testosterona cypionato 250mg
Alcohol bencilico 0.1ml
Vehiculo c.b.p 1ml

Product Address:

Hecho en Mexico Por:
Insurgentes Sur No. 1168 Int. 201
del valle, Benito Juarez.
Mexico, D.F. CP 03100

This is the gear that friend and I are currently on and so far from what friend is saying this a legit gear. that doesn't smell and has a kick...

will Update with WEEK 5 for friend and Week 2 for me.. if anyone else has experience with this product please post...


Originally Posted by planedrs
****************update WEEK 2 - On Ultra TC250******************************

Friend Is On His 2nd Shoot- Feels Great On It And Getting Lots Of Wood, Also Stated That He Feels Pump All The Time... AND GETTING STRONGER!!!

additionally said it goes in real smooth with a 21 gauge needle. no bump/ golf ball bruises to worry about...

Schedule To Take His 3rd Shoot Of 500mg/2cc This Weekend.

As I Promised Before I Will Update With Weekly Results.

Also Great That 68 Yr Thinks Is Great, Is There Anyone Else From The Age Of 25-38yr Range... If So Please Post Your Results...

Side Note: Is clomid Required On A Cy Of 20ml? - Please Advise

Hope this information help someone out...Thanks!

****************update WEEK 1 - On Ultra TC250******************************

my friend just started a cycle... taking 500 mg/2cc... I will begin once I finish my first

unlike other here who say they will post I will follow up in the weeks to come... Friend stated that he felt good on his 1st shot and it didn't burn going in... will see as the weeks go on...

if anyone else has done the Ultra TC 250 PLEASE post some information, we all need to help one another....


Hmm, i got 2 vials of this stuff sittin at home i got from a local source. Never used it cus i heard from a few people it was bunk and got some quality gear now. Not sure the batch number i have. Box doesnt smell like how zodiac says. I even popped off the blue stopper and smelled the grey rubber part and no real smell. Was hopin to sell it to make some of my money back, not really tryin to risk taking it and it be bunk. Some say its good, some bad. Too inconsistent for me to inject into myself. Ur thread seems kinda rocky, u only doin a 5 week cycle? Ive got a quality ugl now thats dependable so i dont mess with this kind of gear anymore. Its not vet quality anyways bro. Do some research and you'll see, its a ugl based out of baja mexico as well as alchemia labs who claim to be itialin. Another reason why theyre not consistent with their quality.
you do realize test c taked 4-6 weeks to reach blood syrum peak levels right? youre cutting you cycle right at peak??

Thanks for the great post.. I appreciate it... regards to your question yes I do realize that, I have a 2 friends that just turn pro and they have been eduacating me on this...

I myself am NOT a body builder - nor do I care to be, I'm very please with my current build (Athelete) I weigh 185 have 17 1/2" arms with a 365 lb. bench press (prior to cycle) and just have been natrually lean / cut... I'm cyling mainly just to gain 4-7 lbs of muscle so when I start wrestling season I wont lose as much... so friends that are pro's at this have explain to me since I'm a virgin to all of this that 1cc will be more that enough for what I am wanting to achieve..

on side note I think the smell that Zodiac is talking about is when u piss... I just started to notice that smell today...

all I can say is that this gear is what My friends are on and it seems to be working for them as well as myself... bottom line there always going to be a risk involed with any gear one gets... that is why we all post our experiences here...

I feel this stuff more than the human grade stuff I had before I started this cycle...

hope this thread helps other decide...
Hmm, i got 2 vials of this stuff sittin at home i got from a local source. Never used it cus i heard from a few people it was bunk and got some quality gear now. Not sure the batch number i have. Box doesnt smell like how zodiac says. I even popped off the blue stopper and smelled the grey rubber part and no real smell. Was hopin to sell it to make some of my money back, not really tryin to risk taking it and it be bunk. Some say its good, some bad. Too inconsistent for me to inject into myself. Ur thread seems kinda rocky, u only doin a 5 week cycle? Ive got a quality ugl now thats dependable so i dont mess with this kind of gear anymore. Its not vet quality anyways bro. Do some research and you'll see, its a ugl based out of baja mexico as well as alchemia labs who claim to be itialin. Another reason why theyre not consistent with their quality.

Here is what is on the box... your saying this is Itailian... Please explain. Thanks!

Batch numbers on box:

Lot No.103107
Fecha de caducidad: DIC/11


Testosterona cypionato 250mg
Alcohol bencilico 0.1ml
Vehiculo c.b.p 1ml

Product Address:

Hecho en Mexico Por:
Insurgentes Sur No. 1168 Int. 201
del valle, Benito Juarez.
Mexico, D.F. CP 03100
Here is what is on the box... your saying this is Itailian... Please explain. Thanks!

Batch numbers on box:

Lot No.103107
Fecha de caducidad: DIC/11


Testosterona cypionato 250mg
Alcohol bencilico 0.1ml
Vehiculo c.b.p 1ml

Product Address:

Hecho en Mexico Por:
Insurgentes Sur No. 1168 Int. 201
del valle, Benito Juarez.
Mexico, D.F. CP 03100

If u read my post correctly i said alchemia labs says italy when there are a ugl based out of baja mexico. Inmuno lab also is a ugl based out of baja mexico. Are they related, idk? I do know my old stupid source sold only both brands so i would guess he got his stock altogether.
*****************************Final results of Week 4 & 5**************************

sorry about not posting last couple of weeks... all in all took last of this gear and will not resume again for another 4mo. (wrestling season will be over then) I had postive gains arms still the same size 17.5" but a lot leaner; beach press went up 20lb MAX is now 385lb. over all felt real good no side effects other than your piss smelling... hehee..

will update on post effects- planning on not taking any Clomid going all natrual :)
I know that this gear have 50/50 reviews, but I can only speak for myself _ i recommended this gear had a good experience on it so far....

If anyone else has experience with this gear please post.
thank you all for your post.
I got 2 bottles of the exact same gear. Ultra TC 250 same Lote number and exp date. So after reading your results I am excited to see if I can gain the same amount of muscle. I will be doing some post cycle therapy (pct) though. Thanks for the good read man!
inmunolab ultra 250

i also have the same lot # and exp # hope this stuff is good. thanks for the post. does anybody have any experience with pharma tech also from mex?
i've had the same stuff, me and my homeboy took this ultra tc 250 and the sustanol by this company called testobolik, our conclusion on it is yes it does have test in it, but the quality of it is trash, its real real real weak, at first taking the ultra tc 250 alone for a month i gained some weight, pretty much all water weight made me bloat and my friend also, afterwards thats it, we did a 12 week cycle. The stuff smells strong as hell anywhere i put it it would smell for days. Had to keep it in a zip loc bag. Honestly I dont recommend this stuff to anyone or the testobolik that stuff from them is for sure bunk gear. Immuno labs stuff is trash. Just my input on this stuff.
Been Robbed!

Hello all,

I'm new to the site here. I bought about $800 worth of gear from whatI thought was a trust worthy person. He ended up not being legit at some what. I sent him the cash via paypal and lost it all. i'm in the middle of going thru paypal to the money back. He nolonger respond to my emails and does not respond to the paypal comments. The only thing he sent me was an empty package and then semt me i vial of this stuff. Ultra TC. The bottle does not has the plactic seal on it and the box does not have the seal on it either what shall i do. thanks rick.
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yea whatrs up with phara-tech

i also have the same lot # and exp # hope this stuff is good. thanks for the post. does anybody have any experience with pharma tech also from mex?

I thinkk the stuffs garbage but Ive tried for ever to research it online but i cant really find anything except maybe 2 or 3 threads on it. is it legit or bogus I tried the proprionate and equipoise they make and I feel like im wilting away!!
Hey everyone thanks for reading my thread... I'm back and starting new cycle will post the under MEDIBOLIK Testosterone Enanthane