Input/Feedback from Blood work

Input/feedback on my blood work

Ok so this is my mid cycle blood work and the first time Ive done one. Been on cycle 10 weeks with 900mg test, 400 mg Tren e on weeks 1-7 and changed too 400mg test and upped the Tren to 600mg in the past 3 weeks along with 0.5 Arimidex and 1000iu hcg. The last pin was 3 days before the blood work and was 1cc test e and 300mg Tren. I'm 6'2 240 and around 20%bf. Just gonna list it all here and I do see a few things from research and one being that I need to give blood to lower the hematocrit. Any feedback is much appreciated and if you need more info just ask. I'm thinking my test should be higher and that my ugl isn't as good as I thought.

Glucose-73 ---65-99ng/dL
Nitrogen-12--- 7-25ng/dL
EGFR non afr American-87 and 101---> or=60
Potassium-4.7--- 3.5-5.3mmol/L
Chloride-102 --- 98-110mmol/L
Carbon dioxide-26---19-30mmol/L
Protein total-6.9----6.1-8.1g/dL
Alb,glbn ratio-1.6 ---1.0-2.5
Bilirubin total-0.6--- 0.2-1.2mg/dL
Alkaline phosphatase-54---40-115u/L
Ast-36 ---10-40
White blood count-5.4 ---3.8-10.8
Red Blood Count-6.67 HIGH -- 4.20-5.80
Hemoglobin-16.5 -- 13.2-17.1
Hematocrit-53.7 HIGH --38.5-50.0
MCV-80.6 --- 80-100
MCH-24.7 LOW. --27-33
MCHC-30.7 LOW.--- 32-36.0
RDw-16.0 HIGH ---11-15.0
Platelet count-326 ---140-400
MPV-8.9 ---7.5-11.5
Absolute neutrophils-2387---1500-7800
Absolutel lymphocytes-1301---850-3900
Monocytes-583 ----200-950
Eosinophils-1085 HIGH 15-500 cells/ul
Basophils-43 ---0-200
FSH-<0.7 LOW. 1.6-8.0mIU/mL
LH-<0.2 LOW. 1.5-9.3mIU/mL
Estradiol-31 < or =39
Total testosterone-1271 --250-1100ng/mL
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Can you please add the reference ranges for your results? All labs are different and not everyone has the ranges memorized.

Also, put each lab on its own row.

Posting a picture might be easier.
I tried posting a pic at first and that's where it all went wrong lol. I'll edit and see if that works better.
I plan on pct soon.. Now will that lower hematocrit?? Sounds like a wimp but I rather cut myself and bleed out before giving blood. I know it don't make sense but it's the truth, lol
Basically the last 3 weeks you've been injecting 200mg of Test twice a week?

Its hard to say for certain about your Test number because you switched amounts. If the previous 900mg of Test has cleared and your body is now steady with the 400mg a week I'd say the dosing from your lab is decent but not great. Body composition can have an effect on Total Test.

400mg a week put me at 1502 but I was on it without any deviation for 6 weeks. Some may get higher numbers. Sleep the night before and diet can also play a factor. I'd test again in 2 weeks and go from there.
ok, i'm having a bit of a hard time understanding how much test you were on when you took the bloods? what was the dose before the last 1cc injection? and what is the mg/ml of your test?.if you just took one 1cc shot of 200mg?/ml then I would say your stuff is about 60% dosed (vs pharma, UGL dosing is likely not to the same standard...) just not quite sure what you were taking and for how long.

what were your doses for the 3 weeks prior to the blood test? To give you a baseline I have a prescription for pharmaceutical grade test and a 50mg (1/4cc) shot will put me at 400ng/dl 4 days later.

Other than what megatron mentioned with your hemo your lh/fsh is almost shut down. I'm on trt and after about 3 weeks my lh was .1 and my fsh was less than .01 or undetectable... I don't have any experience with HCG but after having run all the stuff you did and still having a trace of anything in that department is good.

not the most experienced guy in the world with bloods, just learning myself, but trying to chime in since nobody but tron has yet.
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I plan on pct soon.. Now will that lower hematocrit?? Sounds like a wimp but I rather cut myself and bleed out before giving blood. I know it don't make sense but it's the truth, lol

Get the knife out and drain your blood.

It will go down over time if you stop using exogenous test. But I would encourage you to NOT run anymore cycles in the future if you don't have the wherewithal to manage your hematocrit. Too risky in my opinion.
I'll go ahead and get it done megatron. And basically like SJC said, my last two weeks before the test I was using 400mg of test. I guess I should have just run this cycle with the same amount the whole time but after a discussion on here I decided to bring it down and up the Tren. Of course I wish I knew my baseline before I ran my cycle but you can't go back in time. Thanks guys for your input.