Insulin and DNP stack - ultimate lean bulk

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can you let me know how say taking 100mg a day of Dnp for a week , while taking 1-3 Iu of insulin with each carb meal is highly dangerous.

is it 100% 'safe' , nothing in life is safe. but again , how is this "highly dangerous" ? are bodybuilders adrenaline junkies that like to do highly dangerous things and put their life at risk daily? is that why they run these compounds together ? crazy F'ers aren't they

I'd say you'd be ok and can easily manage those doses....but also both of those doses are hardly enough to see results from either compound. Even 5iu of slin isn't going to do a whole lot for size. The problem is...with that stack, in order to get the results you're looking for the doses must be run at a dose that crosses the boarder into "potentially dangerous."
I'd say you'd be ok and can easily manage those doses....but also both of those doses are hardly enough to see results from either compound. Even 5iu of slin isn't going to do a whole lot for size. The problem is...with that stack, in order to get the results you're looking for the doses must be run at a dose that crosses the boarder into "potentially dangerous."

"potentially dangerous" -- i like that term much better then "stupid and highly dangerous". I agree that dosages would be more effective higher, but i also think that very low starting dosages is a reasonable way to start things out . thats why i put a time frame of 'one week' on that protocol , you can always 'up' the dosages at a later point, but you can't always go backwards.

and stating dosages on this forum that i know are effective for other bodybuilders,, on this forum full of newbs, would probably not be responsible, as they think they should be doing the same dosages as the pros
There are many things wrong with your idea (I think you got this from L Rea, who's an idiot) but the gist of it is this:
DNP inhibits protein synthesis via AMPK activation (which also increases glucose uptake via insulin-independent means) so no, combining it directly with insulin will not result in a "lean bulk" - more of a spinning your wheels, achieving nothing, type of deal.

And yes, I have experimented with the stack.
There are many things wrong with your idea (I think you got this from L Rea, who's an idiot) but the gist of it is this:
DNP inhibits protein synthesis via AMPK activation (which also increases glucose uptake via insulin-independent means) so no, combining it directly with insulin will not result in a "lean bulk" - more of a spinning your wheels, achieving nothing, type of deal.

And yes, I have experimented with the stack.

I've never heard of L Rea. first heard of the idea from a prep coach named Alex Kikel

but I'd be curious to hear more about your ideas on the stack and what your experimenting resulted in
I've never heard of L Rea. first heard of the idea from a prep coach named Alex Kikel
but I'd be curious to hear more about your ideas on the stack and what your experimenting resulted in

Stacking them resulted in nothing of note, hence spinning your wheels, which makes sense when you consider that dnp & insulin are OPPOSING, not complimentary, compounds.
Yes, they're both anti-catabolic but one inhibits protein synthesis while the other only enhances it at HIGH doses so there is no "bulking" going on.

Now when you CYCLE them, with the right protocol, you'll see some magic. Of course that's a long term strategy - don't expect to blow up in a week or two.
I'm not going to disclose my protocols because this is a newbie board but I do recommend reading up on the data regarding both MOAs before diving into the experiment. I know you prefer reading articles, podcasts, youtube videos, etc but you really will be better off finding the actual primary source in this case. 99.9% of opinions on DNP tend to be bullshit.
appreciate the info. my biggest concern was blood sugar, with Insulin shuttling glucose into cells and thus lowering blood sugar and dnp 'burning' up blood sugar*, would be very worried about going hypo with these two compounds together.

*is this correct, or is this another dnp "myth" , that dnp burns up glucose/carbs , essentially turning it into heat being that energy has no where to go (i.e., can't be used as ATP / physical energy)
appreciate the info. my biggest concern was blood sugar, with Insulin shuttling glucose into cells and thus lowering blood sugar and dnp 'burning' up blood sugar*, would be very worried about going hypo with these two compounds together.

*is this correct, or is this another dnp "myth" , that dnp burns up glucose/carbs , essentially turning it into heat being that energy has no where to go (i.e., can't be used as ATP / physical energy)

In the short term (less than 3 weeks), I don't see a risk of going hypo especially with the doses you're contemplating.
DNP actually leads to HIGHER fasting blood sugar levels in the short term (coupled with moderate carb intolerance) with the MOA being unclear.
My guess, FWIW, would be that since normally higher levels of ATP tells the beta cells in pancreas to make insulin, when DNP short circuits this, beta cells will need higher level of blood glucose to detect the need for more insulin...something along those lines.

Over the long term, DNP has no effect on fasting blood sugar levels for most people and carb intolerance improves dramatically (along with slin sensitivity). Of course on paper, since it leads to increases in insulin-independent glucose uptake & glycolysis (burning up carbs as you put it), the risk is still there.

This is were optimal dosing makes a big difference but since a cyclical approach will give better results anyway...
Well I've done both successfully and have no problem with slim. I will never touch DNP again. The MCT oil works better with minor stimulates ( 5hr energy drink ).

Dnp is just not safe.
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