Insulin and Ipamorelin question


New member
Allow me to welcome myself, I'm Reggie, Thanks for having me.

Question 1:

Ive been using Insulin post workout around 6pm usually then eating dinner immediately. I will be starting on Ipamorelin soon, plan on taking before bed. Should I drop the slin post workout and take ipamorelin instead for post workout, or ipa pre, slin post, eat dinner, then ipa again before bed?

Note: I eat about 80% of my daily intake from around 6pm (post workout on training days) to 10pm, and go to sleep around 12 midnight. The other 20% is a morning shake (usually instant coffee, whey protein, egg, glutamine, bcaas, milk, vitamins) and misc fruit or veggies for an afternoon snack.
Welcome to the forums. Your going to need to provide a lot more info than this to get a good answer. I'd start off by saying that slin is nothing to mess around with and should only be used by very advanced users. It can kill you with one shot. Do you cycle? What are your stats, age, etc? Are you just using Ipam and once at night? If so I think you need to do a lot more research on peptides.
Careful with the slin. IPam is nothing next to slin in terms of gains.

Get a cjc peptide to go along IPam, the pulses u will get will be much better.

Age 25
13-14% bf

Have been cutting for most of the year, will continue through the end of the year. I do not want to drop below 160 and would like to be 10-12% by years end, then a year long clean bulk. I have been lifting pretty consistently for over 10 years, but have not started focusing on the sciences of nutrition, lifting strategies, proper supps, importance of recovery time, and learning how to properly stimulate growth and/or fat loss, until about 2 years ago. After studying my nutrition in particular I made some gains in strength, endurance capacity, overall health, lost fat, and improved asthetics. But have somewhat been at a plateau for the past year almost.

Never cycled or used aas before, but have been researching for many months now. I rather not directly mess w my natural test production w an aas cycle so Im going to see if peps will do the trick first. I began w the slin mainly because my large dinner is very low GI so it has a minimal insulin spike, so the slin ensures absorption. Occasionally I will take pre workout if im working out at home and have company there. I always take my precautions, have chocolate and OJ on hand and a roommate there who knows whats up. Usually dose is 6-10 iu depending on the diet that day.

This will be my first cycle, if its even called a cycle when its just peps. Want to keep it simple, which is why I like Ipam. Minimal sides, no pct needed, relatively safe (compared to aas). Considering ive never used a pep besides slin, I think the addition of ipam would get results alone but the more I learn the more it seems the synergistic effect of adding cjc is worth it.

Heres the proposed stack, please critique.

200-300 mcg daily, tapered on.
morning, pre workout, before bed

Insulin (otc stuff, subQ, slow release)
10 iu post workout/pre dinner

~.5mcg spread all day

Add CJC 1295?
Once a week

All thoughts appreciated
GHRP-6 and CJC-1295 Morning and night was working for me. Only reason I dropped it was because I am gettin a bloodtest soon and I didn't want that to effect it.
cjc no dac and mod 1-29 are the same thing. mod grf is mislabled cjc no dac very frequently. cjc no dac is used 3x daily with ipam. there is also a cjc with dac that can be dosed 1x weekly, but it is not ideal. it causes a slow leak of GH similar to what women naturally have. you want a strong pulse which is why cjc no dac is prefered. it has a much shorter duration of action and is much more desirable to manipulated GH pulses to our favor. to put it very simply running ipam and cjc no dac 3x daily at 100mcg each per injection is a very easy protocol. insulin is nothing like ipam/cjc, it is something completely different.

you should research a bit more on these subjects. 10 iu slin is a pretty heavy dose. you should be having a maltodex/protein shake with that not just using it "pre dinner". at your stats i would say all of this is a bit much for you. things like peptides and slin are more advanced. you would benefit much more from good diet and start with something like a prohormone.