Hey guys , so ive been doing a bit of research here on insulin ... I have a few questions . From what i hear it yields much better results when stacked with AAS . Is there a reason why they would work better hand in hand ? of course AAS yield their own gains , but is there a reason together is better ?
I have access to humalog . Has anyone here run this ? What kind of results can someone expect from running humalog for say 4-6 weeks taking it 3 times a day or so ? fat and muscle
Has anyone run humalog alone and know what a insulin only cycle can yield ?
Here's the problem; FAR too many people have regurgitated the same "insulin is the most anabolic hormone known to man" so many times, many don't realize there's a reason why it has this title is because of one overlooked FACT:
FOOD is the most anabolic substance known to man. I challenge ANYONE to try to grow without it, and if long enough - not die without it.
Insulin is a "key" hormone that unlocks cells to allow nutrients in. So in essence, without insulin, your body will not be able to put ingested food to use without very special circumstances.
This includes the storage of fat.
As AAS puts the body into a higher nitrogen retentive state, the synthesis of lean mass from protein is increased. So if more protein is consumed, and there isn't enough insulin available to shuttle it into your cells, excess protein is simply discarded. Everyone has a set limit of protein they can metabolize, and the combination of the two does increase this threshold. HOWEVER, the body relies on carbohydrates to send out insulin, as the chief job of the hormone is energy storage (glucose control), which makes this very tricky to manipulate.
I'm simplifying this a bit, but I hope so far this makes sense.
So when a person takes just insulin without being in an elevated state of nitrogen retention (nitrogen is the catalyst needed to convert protein), the excess calories are simply stored as future reserves - also known as body fat. There are advanced uses for insulin to control other hormones, such as cortisol - to help ward off catabolism, but that's some seriously dangerous stuff as it requires a great deal of experimentation to find insulin sensitivity and the optimal dose of insulin based on food intake.
Hypoglycemia is not one of my favorite experiences as a diabetic, I assure you. Imagine going blind, being literally confused to the point where you can't even talk, sweating like you just ran a marathon, an adrenaline rush from hell, your heart beating near your max, and it's all VERY quick to set in. It's scarier than ANYTHING I've ever experienced from AAS or supplements by far.
If you really want to do this, I strongly suggest you buy a glucose testing kit, glucose tablets, and make damn sure you understand how to measure a dose with the required amount of carbs to prevent hypoglycemia. What you ate two days ago still plays into your carb intake, so the entire notion of a cookie cutter approach for doses is honestly a tremendous mistake. I see FAR too many guys say 1iu per 10g of carbs; this is NOT a safe way to go about things as diabetics are often told 15g - and we are RESISTANT to the hormone. You will need to spend a great deal of time figuring out exactly what your response is, and how quickly it hits you.
I don't advocate insulin use unless you're at a point where an optimal diet and training with AAS is no longer providing results desired, or unless you're under the supervision of a trained professional. This stuff can definitely kill you if not respected, and that seems like a pretty steep price to pay for an extra couple pounds of LMM that could have been earned without it.
My .02c